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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 25, 2014 <br /> Page 20 <br /> annual basis, and a process built in and part of staff operations with assistance by <br /> the Finance Department to individual departments. <br /> Mayor Roe, recognizing the information requests by Councilmembers McGehee, <br /> Laliberte and Willmus, suggested part of future RCA's coming for approval for <br /> purchase or implementation include, as part of the Financial Impact section, the <br /> replacement costs over twenty years and amount anticipated annually in current <br /> dollars needing to be set aside. <br /> In addition to Mayor Roe's suggestion, Councilmember Laliberte referenced past <br /> discussions on the possibility of mimicking or following the process used by the <br /> State as noted during Finance Commission interviews. As far as breaking into a <br /> City Council subcommittee, Councilmember Laliberte advised that she could <br /> support that; however, first she thought they needed to get their arms around the <br /> larger categories by sitting down with the community survey again—in work ses- <br /> sion format—looking at it from the financial perspective. <br /> Mayor Roe duly noted those suggestions for future reference. <br /> b. Finalize Discussions on the Preliminary 2015 Budget and Tax Levy <br /> City Manager Trudgeon suggested the intent of this agenda item was to allow the <br /> City Council yet another touch point before anticipated approval of the prelimi- <br /> nary 2015 levy on September 8, 2014. Mr. Trudgeon noted that staff appreciated <br /> the questions received from Councilmembers by staff to clarify issues and provide <br /> areas for future discussion. Mr. Trudgeon reviewed several refinements made by <br /> Finance Director Miller since the previous iteration; and correction and reduction <br /> on the spreadsheet from $346,000 to $325,000 for reserve use. Mr. Trudgeon ad- <br /> vised that staff was still researching the prior mention of$30,000 in reserves as <br /> part of the park maintenance position funding. Regarding whether to make up re- <br /> serves all in one year, Mr. Trudgeon responded that this was the intent, but it <br /> could be spread out over several years, and if staff understood the City Council's <br /> directive, a determination would be made in the near future how to proceed for- <br /> ward and not use reserves in 2014 and make it up in the future,. However, Mr. <br /> Trudgeon advised that staff's recommendation would be to make it up in one year <br /> to provide maximum flexibility in future years. <br /> Specific to debt service, City Manager Trudgeon referenced the table on page 2 of <br /> the RCA dated August 25, 2014, and apologized for not providing enough detail. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff continued to refine the information used during <br /> the budget process and how best to present it to the City Council and public; and <br /> asked continued feedback from individual Councilmembers as well as the body <br /> on what level and type of information would be most helpful to them. Since the <br /> City Council continued to have questions, Mr. Trudgeon opined that staff was ob- <br /> viously still struggling to achieve the right amount of detail for them, and sug- <br />