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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 25, 2014 <br /> Page 21 <br /> gested a discussion with the City Council in the future about that would be helpful <br /> for staff. <br /> Specific to COLA, and as detailed in the RCA, City Manager Trudgeon reviewed <br /> initial projections, and more current information for the two index references to <br /> be used per policy in making that determination; with cost savings projected at <br /> $35,000 for 2015 based on updated information and twelve-month calculations. <br /> Finance Director Miller reviewed the anticipated 2015 tax levy impacts based on <br /> the most recent projections and current trending, with the property tax increase <br /> reduced to $830,829 from previous recommendations. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Finance Director Miller responded <br /> that depending on the particular application, staff generally used a 2.5% inflation- <br /> ary multiplier when factoring in all cost inputs from service suppliers and ven- <br /> dors; while some contractual obligations were coming in much higher than that. <br /> Mayor Roe asked that, specific to general inflation, staff breakdown supplies from <br /> professional services, or what was contractual or not contractual. <br /> Finance Director Miller responded that, between now and September 8, staff <br /> could provide a better breakdown of contractual and discretionary, as long it was <br /> understood it was at the City Council's discretion— what did we use as inflation- <br /> ary multiplier on operations and capital whether or not to reduce service levels. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten, Finance Director Miller addressed per- <br /> sonnel-related costs specifically; noting that this early in the process, staff had to <br /> make some assumptions, and one of those was what staffing and personnel levels <br /> would look like and whether they would change between now and year-end. Mr. <br /> Miller noted that one of those significant dynamics was whether or not the fire- <br /> fighters decided to form a union and if so, the impact on the budget based on <br /> many factors. Therefore, Mr. Miller advised that he thought it prudent to factor <br /> those things into the 2015 personnel budget if that union becomes a reality; and if <br /> those financial impacts are not mitigated, he recommended a cushion over the <br /> course of the year. As part of that assumption, Mr. Miller advised that he also re- <br /> served some money from previous COLA and step increases for employees. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Finance Director Miller addressed the increase in <br /> dispatch services from$100,000 to $150,000 in 2015. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, City Manager Trudgeon advised that <br /> at this time, two police officer positions and the Assistant Finance Director posi- <br /> tion remained open; and advised that he was unable to predict if any more would <br /> become open between now and year-end. Councilmember Willmus asked staff to <br /> calculate an approximate dollar value associated with those open positions for the <br />