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<br />1 ~t? ~9y' <br /> <br />6g. Planning File 3059. Suzanne Wild is requesting a variance to increase the <br />width of a commercial curb cut from 36 feet to 55 feet for the purpose of <br />retaining parking spaces at 2960 East Snelling Service Drive. <br /> <br />Chair Harms opened the hearing and requested Dennis Welsch provide a re- <br />view, based on written reports dated July 8, 1998, of the request for a variance <br />to increase the curb cut at 2960 E. Snelling Service Dr.. <br />Dennis Welsch advised the request was for a 19' variance in a commercial curb <br />cut; the staff has recommended approval . <br /> <br />Susan Nosbusch, Manager of Metro Dental Care, 2960 East Snelling Service <br />Drive addressed the rationale for the variance request and advised that the big- <br />gest concern in the area is parking. <br /> <br />There being no further questions or comments, Chair Harms closed the hearing. <br /> <br />Motion: Member Mulder moved, Member Rhody seconded, to recommend ap- <br />proval of Suzanne Wild's request for a variance to increase the width of a com- <br />mercial curb cut from 36 feet to 55 feet for the purpose of retaining off-street <br />parking spaces at 2960 Snelling Aveneu North, based on the following findings: <br /> <br />1. Section 703.04 (8)(1) limits the width of a non-residential curbcut to 36 <br />feet in non-residential areas. The property has historically had unlimited <br />access from the service road and six parking spaces at the front of the <br />building. If the curbcut is installed at a width of 36 feet, two of these <br />parking spaces will be lost. <br /> <br />2. The substandard width and size of the parcel creates a physical hardship <br />for the applicant. The substandard size of the parcel also presents a <br />practical difficulty in providing adequate off-street parking on the site. <br /> <br />PAGE <br />