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<br />17. USE(S) OF DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT FUNDS (1-2 pages) <br />What specific project components are you proposing to fund with a Demonstration <br />Account award? Describe the benefits or value to the project that Demonstration <br />Account funds will provide. <br /> <br />LCDA funds would be used to: <br />. retain the consultant expertise needed to add analytical depth to the build-out/transit corridor <br />study; <br />. enhance and expand existing data sets; <br />. add new data sets to the qIS warehouse; <br />. research and develop subregional planning models that serve as links between the regional <br />and the local; <br />. develop the preferred smart growth option and recommended transit corridor options; <br />. research and craft implementation strategies; and <br />. prepare reports. <br /> <br />Without LCDA funding, the Coalition would not be able to undertake the build-out/transit <br />corridor study. There are neither the internal resources nor other funding avenues available to <br />carry out an intensive, in-depth study of this nature. <br /> <br />18. FINANCIAL SUMMARIES <br /> <br />Attachment B. <br />Summary Financial Information <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br /> Public Private LCDA Amount <br /> Requested <br />Total Project Cost $1,500,000 $700,000 <br />Total Soft Cost $350,000 <br />Total Hard Cost $450,000 <br /> <br />2. Are you requesting a loan? _ or grant? Yes <br /> <br />3. What is the status of financial commitments for this project? <br /> <br />Matching dollars are commilledfrom private sector and public sector match is <br />comprised of both in-kind and acquisition dollars. <br /> <br />4. When will you need Demonstration Account funds? <br /> <br />Beginning in January of 2000. <br /> <br />18 <br />