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<br />8:44AM <br /> <br />ORT COMMERCIAL <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />.; <br /> <br />NpV. ~.1999 <br /> <br />. '.' "0 ~. "0' .'.", . <br /> <br />_. '10 <br /> <br />~..., <br /> <br />~~ . -..~~t1~~~i'~::t~~:ir,.~:"'::~;!,~~~~:-:~, .;:, .::'," <br /> <br />J <br />EI[,"~. .. -- .,.-.,... -',': ~ <br />-~..;:~... -. ;"71. { <br />C:.....::-.: . ~': :.". '" ~ <br /> <br />;. <br /> <br />I., : <br />~'" <br />~ <br />'\ <br />~ <br />, ~' <br />I. ' <br /> <br />.... <br /> <br />I' <br />r <br />I <br />~ <br />??:. ' , <br />I,'.~ <br />I,' <br />l- <br />I, I ~: <br />l' \:. . <br />10 FTA'VS AND to BOW THE SAME. ro~ wiI.h all the bered'aam~ snd ' ". <br />,aPPUrIaIaDCeS tfu:n:untD bdans; at ill sn ~.~ to the Citr, it$ SUCl1C:SSOIS _ I! ': :,,~~: <br /> <br />--= '0 1 ~TURH TO~ ~o:{ <br />, ~':'.. "':J <br />-~m~m~ij~~~~~t~W~~~~~li,~'F"'lJ <br />.' . . "1\01":;:.. · 'ili'0.t';,;7~, o:';i, ,;. .', .; "~ i ';"": i i: 'i: c,~:: :;; ':",:; :>: tL ;, :, ["I., 1"1 "',' <br /> <br />, or" ... <br />, <br /> <br />" ' <br /> <br />'. <br />.~:'\o...: <br /> <br />~r~~ <br />.""'....~ <br />':~~ <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />t:-;';!I <br />ft <br />":-."'- <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />",,',',". <br /> <br />!::." . <br /> <br />. .,...,' <br /> <br />".. . <br />. ..' '. . .:"' .";"':."!;l.~-':""'I.._~. <br /> <br />., <br /> <br /> <br />=t~ C.=~"l, <br /> <br />~r a:py _I PATRW.AVEA~ <br />'"itigls CI~'" - 'l8 <br />. pd by /b;ii Uy <br />-;0 \ made !his M.. cmy of--:J"c...,.o<<- : 1m, <br />t""r ./ EHr.ERS AND ASSOCIAres, INC.. a Minnesota corpontfan ("Owut"). 8DIi <br />= ROSEVJLLB.a MimIc$ota mUDicipal COIpO,:,tiOll ("City"), <br />~ <br />It"'"C <br />.-( <br />..... <br />.. <br /> <br /> <br />wrrNB88EIH: <br /> <br />'Ibat in COJISidctntion of !he' sum of 0= Do11ar (Sl.OD).ami o1bci good IIId vaJuable <br />co~on in hand paid by Ihe City, Ownet docs hereby grnItt and COI1VCy IIIUCI the City, Its <br />IiUCWSOIS and assi,sos. 0. petpetua1 easement lor public watktvay and bfa.yc11: pmlnvnY pwpGSCS <br />ovw. uponl11d across tht; foUowin: ~ibe4 property in Rmnsq CalmlY. MinllSlta: <br /> <br />v{' strip of land, eiAht ,(8) ~ in width, wjtb1l1 Lot 1. B!ac"_2,~ POW!!; <br />BII9int:ss PIUk, a=tdiJIg to the m:anfcd pbt th=ot; Ramsey Ccllmt)', <br />Minnesota, tho cmtar1ine atwhich is described 11$ ta!1aws: <br /> <br />CoWIICIIWl[: at the most soulharly comc: of said Lot 1:' lhencc On an ~ <br />bcariDlofNcxth4S ~OO ~ 00 seconds- W.s, alang tbc~ <br />!iDe of said Lot I, a. 4istane<: of 11.61 feet to !he poillt of begUmmg of the <br />celtteriine to be dcscn'bcd; Iht:ncc NmIh 1 dqree $1. miI1utes' 39 second! Wert a. <br />dimDce of 30.83 (eet; theuce Notth 16 dc~ 24 .II1inIztcs 32 ~ East a <br />distmzce af:34.0S feI:I; ~c uOI'Ihmr I diswu:e af13.66 f~ along II raDa=WU <br />curve c:QI1cave to the w= baYing II n:was 0:'78.00 teet and a centt8laaF of 17 <br />d~ 22 minutes 49 seconds; ~ Nonh 0 dcgn:c 58 ~ 11 s=oDds <br />West, WIp to said cwve. a dISamce of 106.09 ~ tbCIICC norIhcrl.y II ciisImu:e <br />of 84.34 feet altmg a t.IID!CI1tial curve coacavc: to tb west haviug Ii radius of <br />702..48 &c:t and a cea1ral.\IDgle of 6 degrees 51 mUmtl!$ 34 seconds; thence Nan&.. <br />7 desm:s 50 minutes 51 secan4r WI!St, tS!Igftlt to last desen"bed curve, a cfiSI:IIu:C <br />of 44.S1 feet; theQcc a.anhcdy a dis!sm:c of S9.45 feet aloog a. 1al3a=tiaL CIIn'I! <br />C:OII~~to the southwe$t having a miw: at 140.00 2ctsnd a ccnnalangIe of'.&4 <br />desr= 151 mmat= SZ 5CConds; IheDcc JIOdltct1y ~ di5tlll1CC of 19.64 ~t on a. <br />~ c:mve CO~ to tI1e nonhcast ~g II radius onS-.DO fctt lUlU a CCII1nI! <br />a!lgIeof32 degrees OS minUIC:i 3SIleconCs to the narth line ofnid Lot 1 and said <br />ccntl:d~ there tmDiuaIiDg.. , <br /> <br />The sidelines of: S:1id sttip of Iantf ate to ~ ptofmla'ed or ii:JIg~ to temIIII!ItC at <br />saId lUI11I1cdy and sonthweS'tttl,y Imes of said Lot. I. <br /> <br />A dmwing~ said ca:H:IIleat plm1ises is 31U1cbed betefO ~ tlllIde It pmtbmc! <br /> <br />....NO.722 <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />P.10 <br /> <br />_~O\ <br />):6- <br />