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<br />3.2. The City's Comprehensive Plan text currently does not specifically address any of these <br />parcels. However, the policies within the plan provide direction to eliminate blight, upgrade <br />neighborhoods with a mix of compatible uses, and diversify and solidify the tax base. <br /> <br />3.3 The Cornerstone Program, if utilized on this site would require (through its guidelines) <br />neighborhood meetings, a planned unit development hearing, and the possibility of setbacks <br />that are as close as 10 feet to the street property lines. Screening and the choice of materials <br />for the construction are carefully guided. <br /> <br />3.4 The site will be subject to utility easements and storm water or ponding requirements because <br />more impervious or paved surface is being created than has existed on the site. <br />o <br /> <br />3.5 While primary access to the parking areas and driveways would be from County Road D, all <br />three units of government (Roseville, Arden Hills, and Ramsey County) would be involved <br />in settling the road access and vacation issues. To date Arden Hills and the County have been <br />cooperative and interested in this project. A separate right-of-way vacation hearing will be <br />scheduled for the February, 1999 Planning Commission meeting, assuming the Commission <br />and Council approve the concept plan. <br /> <br />3.6 The comer of Fairview and County Road D was part of a joint 1998 Livable Communities <br />grant in which the cities of Roseville, Arden Hills, Shoreview, and New Brighton proposed <br />better pedestrian access to the comers, creation of a "neighborhood commons", distinctive <br />street light and transit stops, among other things. While the application for grant funds was <br />not in the top five, the cities are still interested in pursuing the projects. <br /> <br />3.7 In conjunction with the application for concept development plan approval, the following <br />documents have been submitted and reviewed by staff in preparation of this report: <br />a. a concept grading and erosion control plan including layout of off-street <br />parking areas, location of building, and delineation of storage ponding <br />(12/13/98); <br />b. building elevation plans (12/13/98); <br />c. building floor plans (12/13/98) <br /> <br />3.8. A complete utility service, paving, grading, and drainage plan must be submitted to and <br />approved by the City prior to consideration of the final development plan. Engineering also <br />recommends removing the north side stair case from the building; vacating only 7 feet of <br />County Road D; retaining utility easements; and repaving the street, new matching rolled <br />curbs, and landscaping the new boulevard; correcting the design of the driveway by <br />removing an oak now rather than waiting for it to die; gaining an easement for an additional <br />10 of right-of-way on the west (Fairview) side; complete the sidewalk (Fairview) and <br />landscaping details; and investigate the need for an impervious surface variance for more <br />than 30% coverage of the site. (See Engineering Review of January 4, 1999 - attached) <br /> <br />3.9. Based on the proposed use of the building for limited office uses, the 18 to 20 off-street <br />parking spaces for employee parking are sufficient. Parallel parking could also be allowed <br /> <br />PF3092 - RPCA (01/13/99) - Page 3 of 4 <br />