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<br />Ramsey County in 1989 completed a plan which identified the BN County Road "C" rail <br />right-of-way as a potential cross-county commuter or light rail line that should be <br />acquired if abandonment is ever sought by BN. In 1996, the Ramsey County Regional Rail <br />Authority adopted a resolution (#R96-09) which directed the Authority to negotiate for <br />the acquisition of the rail right-of-way. <br /> <br />By virtue of the BN filing for abandonment of a portion of the County Road "C" rail line <br />from the Rollins Oil property to the west boundary of the City of Roseville, Burlington <br />Northern has indicated its desire to not serve this area with rail capacity. The BN property <br />in generally 100 feet in width within the City, connecting to a 50 to 60 foot wide right of <br />way with Hennepin County and the City of Minneapolis. To adequately accommodate <br />either (or both) a commuter rail line and a commuter/recreational non-motorized <br />pathway as illustrated in the City Comprehensive Plan, the 100 foot wide right-of-way <br />should be kept in tact if at all possible, not allowing parcels of the right-of-way to be sold <br />off. <br /> <br />1.4 The staff understands that BN has filed for an amendment to its federal Surface <br />Transportation Board abandonment application, that would eliminate the abandonment <br />within Ramsey County and the City of Roseville in order to sell off a parcel for reuse to an <br />adjacent, proposed warehouse building. It is not in the public's and City's interest to have <br />the rail right of way sold off in parcels that would severely reduce or eliminate the <br />continuity of a multi use commuter line and pathway/trail system. The Regional Rail <br />Authority should acquire this parcel with the intent of keeping the right-of-way parcels <br />in one ownership. The government agencies holding title could then determine if a short <br />term, interim lease, or easement should be issued to potential users adjacent to the rail. <br /> <br />1.5 The issue of the proposed George Wintz Triangle Warehouse subdivision of a parcel of <br />right-of-way from the BN rail line (the Triangle Warehouse, 35' by 703 feet or <br />approximately 24,000 sJ.) should not be approved by the City during this 180 review period <br />(through June, 1999) because of the impending County Rail Authority study and/or <br />acquisition of this right of way land. <br /> <br />2.0 Staff Recommendation <br /> <br />Staff recommends that the City Council adopt such resolutions of support for acquisition <br />of the rail right-of-way as consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Hennepin <br />and Ramsey County Rail Authority Study and Plans. <br /> <br />Further, the staff should be directed to notify the applicant for the minor subdivision <br />commonly known as the Triangle Warehouse site that the subdivision will be considered <br />premature and incomplete until such time as the 180 day Federal Surface Transportation <br />Board Review of the abandonment proposal is completed. <br /> <br />3.0 Council Action <br /> <br />By resolution (draft attached), determine that the proposed Wintz subdivision is <br />premature and must await the outcome of the 180 day NSTB review period. <br />