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<br />02/17/99 11: 39 <br /> <br />RYAN COMPANIES ~ 6124902931 <br />512 631 5969 <br /> <br />NO.460 P007/011 <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />62/17/1999 16:69 <br /> <br />512-631-5969 <br /> <br />PAGE 6G <br /> <br />OTHER TERMS AND CONDmONS <br /> <br />9. Title Defects--I!, within the ten (10) day period following Seller's notice to Buyer that Seller's deed is <br />ready fer delivery. Buyer notifies Seller that Buyer has requested evidence of title to the Property, Buyer <br />shall furnish to SeUer at Buyer's expense such evidence of title within thirty (30) days of said notice aom <br />Buyer in the form of an abstract of title or a tide conunitment, and a written Statcment specifying the matters <br />or dc:fl:ct9 other than said pennitted exceptions and reservations and other than such usua1 exceptions <br />contained in Owner's policies and the matters to which this sa1e Ls subjeet by the tenns hereof, the time of <br />payment of the balance of tile purchase price: shan be extended for a period of sixty (60) days after the receipt <br />of said evidence of titJe and statement. If Seller is unabJe or unwiUing to CW'e such matter or defects within <br />said sixty (60) day period, and Buyer is unwilling to accept the deed subject to such matter or defects then <br />either party lnay terminate this Agreement by serving written Dotice of termination upon the other party <br />within fifteen (15) days thereafter and all further rights and liabilities under this Agreement shall cease and <br />terminate except that Seller shaH return the deposit to Buyer and Seller shall reimburse Buyer for me aCTUal <br />amount paid by Buyer~ if any. to an abstractor for an abstract of title or to a title company for a title:: I'q)ort <br />(but not for title insl1r3.Dce). provided [hat said abstract or title report shall be delivered and assigned to <br />Seller. Otherwisc. Buyer shallrcmit to SelJer. or Seller's assignee. the purchase price within ten (10) days or <br />at closing, whichever is earlier. <br /> <br />10. Real Estate Commissions-If any real estate broker or agent can establish a valid claim for <br />co1DJ11issioD or other compensation as a result of Buyer having used their services in connection with the <br />purchase of the Propcrty. aU such commission or other compensanon shall be paid by Buyer. Seller shaH not <br />be liable for any real estate commissions or finders fees to any parry with respect to the sale of the Property, <br />except a commission to Catellus Management Corporation ("Broker") pursuant to a separate agreement On <br />and prior to the Date of this Agreement. Broker has advised, a:nd hereby advises. Buyer. by this writing and <br />by other means, and Buyer hereby acla10wledges that Buyer has been so advised, thaI the Broker is acting as <br />the agent of the SeUer. with the duty to represent Seller's interest. and Broker j~ not the agent of the Buyer. If <br />a policy of title insurance is to be obtained, Buyer should obtain a commitment for title insurance which <br />should be examined prior to closing by an attomey of Buyer's choice. Prior to the execution of this <br />Agree:men~ Broker has advised and hereby advises the pri.ncipaJs of this transaction, that this Agreement is <br />binding on them. and the principals hereby Kknowledge that they have been so advised. <br /> <br />1 J. Liens of Seller's Mortgages-Seller shall deliver to Buyer. who shaII place of r~ord, good and <br />sufficient relcases of the liens of Seller's mortgages. where required under the terms of any mongage on the <br />Property, within one hundred eighty (180) days after the first meeting of Sellet's Board of Directors held <br />after the conveyance contemplated herem. In the event Seller shall be unable to obtain said releases for any <br />reason. Seller shall have the right to ter.minate this Agr-eement upon serving written notice of termination <br />upon Buyer withm fifteen (15) days thereafter, and both parties shall thereupon be released and discharged <br />from an liabilities and obligations hereunder. except that Seller shaH repay to Buyer any and aU sums <br />therefore paid by Buyer to Seller upon a reconveyance of title to the Property to Seller free and clear of <br />defects or objectiot15 to the same extent as ifno conveyance had been made to Buyer hereunder. <br /> <br />12, Other Liens--Any judgmerll against Seller which may appeal' of record as a lien against the Property <br />shall be settled and satisfied by Seller if and when it is judicially determined to be valid. and Seller hereby <br /> <br />3 <br />