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<br />02/17/99 11: 39 <br /> <br />RYAN COMPANIES ? 6124902931 <br />612 631 5969 <br /> <br />NO.460 P008/011 <br /> <br />62/17/1999 18:e9 <br /> <br />612-631-5969 <br /> <br />PAGE: 67 <br /> <br />indemnifies the Buyer for all loss arising out of Seller's failure [0 have a judgment lim so settJed ;:and <br />satisfied. AU outstanding assessments tevied or due in the year the deed is delivered shall be paid by Buyer. <br /> <br />13. General Real Estate Taxcs--Rcal estate taxes or assessments payable or paid in the year the d~ed is <br />delivered shall be prorated by Seller and Buyer as of the date on which the deed is delivered on the basis of <br />the most recent ascertainable taxes assessed against the subjec.t Property, or as may be equitabl)' apponioned <br />rhereto by the Seller if the Property is not separately assessed or unless the payment of same has been <br />ass\Uncd by a tenant under an existing lease to be assigned to Buyer. <br /> <br />14. Tranlfer Taxes--Buyer agrees to purchase, affix and cancel any and all documentary stamps in the <br />amount prescribed by statute. and to pay any and aU ~uired transfer taxCS, ex,ise taxes and any and all fees <br />incidental to recordation of the conveymce instrument. In the event of Buyer's failure to do so. if the Sener <br />shaH be obligated so to do. the buyer sball be liable far all costs, expenses aud judgments 10 or against the <br />Seller, including a11 of Seller's legal fees and expenses and same shall constitute a lien against the Property to <br />be conveyed until paid by the Buyer. <br /> <br />15. Notices and Demands-All notices. demands. payments and other instrumenlS required or permitted to <br />be given or served by either party shall be in writing and deemed to have been given or served by either party <br />if sent by registered or certified mail, addressed to the othcr party at the addrcss shown nerem. <br /> <br />16. Governmental Approval-If the approval of any govemmenral agency is required for the sate of the <br />Property, it is understood and agreed that this Agreement is subject thereto and that both parties shall use <br />their best effortS to obtain such approval. The closing. date shall be extended for such period as may be <br />required to obtain such approval. In the event said approval cannot be obtained. either party may terminate <br />this Agreement without liabiliry to the othert eXcept thai Seller shall return the deposit to Buyer. <br /> <br />In the event a city. county. or other gove:ming authority wherein said Property is located requires a <br />surveyor plat or has a subdivision ordinance. the Buyer shall obtain such survey or p]a~ all at Buyer's sole <br />tost and expcnse- The surveyor plat shall be submitted by Buyer to Seller for review and approval prior to <br />recording and within a period of forry-five (4S) days after the date of Seller's acceptance Qfthis offer. <br /> <br />17. Deposit Authorization-Buyer hereby au.thorizes SeUer to cash any checks that may be delivered. to <br />SeHer as a deposit or option payment. and to take the amount of any such deposit or option payment into its <br />accounts, with tb.e undemanding that it will not constitute acceptance of this offer; provided, however. that <br />such authorization is given with the understanding that in the event the offa- is not accepted the SeUer agrees <br />to refund the amount of any deposit in fulL <br /> <br />18. Rail Service-Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent Seller from discontinuing service over any <br />raih-oad line or Jines by which. rail service may be provided to the Pfopcrty_ <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />rentals unless such prepaid or Wtearned rentals for each lease exceeds the sum <br /> <br /> <br />L)' <br /> <br />20. Lease Rentals Conrinuanc ase--Suyer agrees to keep rentals, (axes and other charge$ <br />payable to e tenns of Ie4L5e(~) (Lease No.) fully pnpaid with any refund or <br />. . <br /> <br /> <br />4 <br />