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<br />1212/17/99 11 : 4121 <br /> <br />RYRN COMPRNIES ~ 612491212931 <br />612 631 5969 <br /> <br />NO.46121 P12I12I9/12I11 <br /> <br />'. , <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />62/17/1999 18:e9 <br /> <br />612-631-5969 <br /> <br />PAGE ElS <br /> <br />. <br />site within the Property. Cancellation of said lease shaH be upon the date of co <br /> <br />operty . <br /> <br />/"...J,.. 21. Leases Other than BuyeT' (Lease No.), being in the name of other than. <br />'"If'" ,Buyer. shall '. 0 uyer upon date of conveyance of the Property and will be subject to <br /> <br />22. Complete Agreement- TIUs Agreement cont.uns the entire Agreemeni between Seller and Buyer with <br />respect to the PrOPen)' and, except as set forth in this Agreement, neither Seller. nor Seller's agents or <br />employees. have made any agreements, covcnan~ WamLDties or representations of any kind or charactert <br />express or implied, oral or written, with respect to the Property. <br /> <br />ADDENDUM PROVISIONS <br /> <br />23. This Agrc~ent relates only to land. Unless orherwise herein provided. any conveyance shan <br />exclude Seller's railroad tracks and appurtenances thereto. Seller's buildings and any other improvements on <br />the Property, an of which may be removed by Seller within ninety (90) da.ys following conveyance of the: <br />Property, and ifnot removed, sball be deemed abandoned by the Seller without obligation on the Seller's part <br />and shall thereafter be and become the Property of the Buyer in place. <br /> <br />24, A reservation to Seller of all coal. oil. gas, casing-head gas and alJ ores and minerals of every kind <br />and nature including sand and gravel underlying the surface of the Property. together with the full right, <br />privilege and 1icense at any and all times to explore, or drill for and to protect, conserve, mine, take, remove <br />and market any and ail such products in any marmer which will not strUctures on the surface of the <br />PToperty, together with the right of access at all times to exercise said rights. <br /> <br />25. Seller is not a foreign person as the term is used and defined in Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue <br />Code of 1954, as amended and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Seller shall, upon request of Buyer, <br />complete an affidavit to this effect and deliver it to Buyer on or before closing of said sale. <br /> <br />26. It is specifically a.greed and understood by the parties hereto that the Buyer shall. before February 15, <br />1999, accept and sign this Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement and return same together with the <br />55,000.00 deposit named herein to SeJIer. Failure of the Buyer to perfonn within the time restrictions will <br />render this Agreement null and void in its entirety. <br /> <br />27. Buyer has been allowed to make an inspection of the propeny and has know1edge as to the past use of <br />the propeny. Based upon this inspection and knowledge. Buyer is/are aware of the condition of the propet1y <br />and BUYER IS AWARE THAT BUYER IS PURCHASING THE PROPERTY ON AN "AS-IS, <br />WHERE IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS" BASIS WITH ANY AND ALL PATENT AND LATENT <br />DEFECTS, INCLUDING THOSE RELATING TO TIlE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION OF <br />THE PROPERTY, AND THAT BUYER IS/ARE NOT REL VINC ON ANY REPRESENT A TION OR <br />WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR-IMPLIED, OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER FROM SELLER AS TO <br />ANY MA TIERS CONCERNING THE PROPERlY. including the physical condition of the property <br />and any defects thereof. the presence of any hazardous substances, wastes or contaminants in, on or under the <br />property, the condition or existence of any of the above ground or underground structures or improvements <br />in, of or under the property, the condition of title to the property. and the leases, easements Or other <br />agreements affecting the property. Buyer is aware of the risk that hazardo~ substances and contaminants <br /> <br />,L <br />I. <br /> <br />5 <br />