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<br /> <br />RAIL Ch. 109 <br /> <br />ceniorari denied 102 S.CL 388, 454 U.S. <br />892, 70 L-Ed..2d 206. <br />!';. _ Freiiht ~, locomotives, and <br />other equipment <br />RegulatioJ')$ of Commission [no:-v <br />Boardl ,overning ab~dol1Jt1cnt of. 1'aI~ <br />road lines and discontinuance of ral\ ser. <br />vice were inv8.lid to ex:e,:,t they estab- <br />lished that, in de.ten'l'lliUIlg avoidable <br />cost$, depreciation COSts fo: locomot:v~. <br />freight C3~, and other equipment attrib- <br />utable to branch line of $emce should be , <br />based cr. uri",ia...I Look I;O:lt. of Iud! ' <br />equ.ipmer.t rather, than costs wl;ich woukl <br />~t stay consum- be aveided if semte were lermtn.a.ted a.od <br />c: by ""I camCt equipmcl\t uced .Isewb.ere on ~ilr",.d. : <br />ninue operation i.e., cost of purchasing new equlJ:me!1.. <br />1 Chicago and NeM Western Transp. Co., <br />!$ent emp oyeud v. U.S,. C.A.7 CIlI.) 1978, 582 F.2d .1043,7. <br />IIqe'" I":lfflp.r an d:1 <br />,live bargaining supplemented 582 F.2 1066, ceT11,?I'&:', <br />ch relief would denied 99 S.Ct. 641, 439 U.S. 103-1, S8; <br />or modification LEd.2ti 698. ;' <br />nmerce COl'lUJlb- 6. _ Income taX effects . 'f' <br />portatien Board) On remand of proceeding fo.r ~eV1C:w ~ <br />as authorized to I"egu!ati"M At4nf'>rp.d by ComrnlS$lon [n~, <br />,t carrier's appli- Board) in cool1i!Ction wi~ StatU~cS I!~' <br />:!.e would be dis- erning abandonment ?f rall~d hn~ .' <br />,ummation of the discontir.uanCi: of roul service, C~ <br />.1:\.".l..iv~' Ass'n v. s~on would be .required to. reconsldeorr '" <br />:.A.2 (N.Y.) t 986. failure to provide for conslderatlon . <br />deDled 107 S.Ct. fects of income laxe$ uFon return of <br />..:Ed..2d ~78. ty and 10 explain why. It bl:lu::V~ :;U <br />, or consolidation rtgulations were cons15tcnt With <br />j-"~~ed Chicago and Nonh Western Transp. <br />UIij-' . ".!":., C.A.7 (Ill.) 11)78,582 F.2.1 .t().t <br />;tjon of lmersune ." - 66 rfJ <br />Ig offers or [lLan. supplemented 5B2 F.ld 10 ,ce039 <br />off abandonment denied 99 S.Ct. 641. 439 U.S. 1 . <br />t~ctiel1 under LEd.1d (,QII <br />.ng iicquisition of 7. - Labor tO$l$ " <br />or consolidiiUOn. Certain labor COSts incu rred oy ~ <br />7 1 QI!; ?frO 1='.20. WI:I ~ ,,""p~rly found by Com~ , <br />06 S.CL 791. 474 (now Beard) to be avoidable upon;, <br />69. donment of rail line, bcca,!-sc even , <br />road wen! t?'1' I;rP.'; to m3.lItUUI1 c;J'f: <br />~y ab--~oned section. work would. <br />;"1"... "avoidable III1(1 Id P <br />......e> on rest of line which crew (:au . <br />that would not be and because retcntioc. of tra1J"._ <br />I were Ah=<ionqd. would further reduce its labCr I;(!S~: <br />purely economic cawe reusignmem of employed '1/ <br />I meUt1Te of mar. reduce its training and hiting of nd I <br />se Ulr~ redUC' ployees, "cople uf S",,1c of m. v . <br />>UtpU\ and \\Te reo C.A.7 1983.698 F.2d 868. ~' <br />o.a1 occur thT'Qugb " <br />b. aow statements With respeet to proposed ~ ~' <br />7e5' attributable to er nil liu"', L..w. .:..-ew w~eo; wb <br />Particular serlice. costs that were avoidiible \I~a. a <br />:. C.. C.A.8. 1981. mento when: collective barga~ <br />or.ui del11ea 10:2 menl r~Q\.'ir~t4 tr.:u wages 0 aed. <br />Z. 10 LEd.2d 206. paid even if line wcre IlbanCO <br />124 <br /> <br />IJUuvI <br />Id.onrocnt con- <br />lder Minnesota <br />pr~cmpted oy <br />:rely ~ il <br />nClmically opti- <br />.y6eld Nl)rth"'..n <br />I1d North West- <br />.fiJm.19a4, 104 <br />81 L.Ed.:zd 527. <br /> <br />elL 109 LICENSING <br /> <br />of Cherokee v. 1. C. C" CA8, 1981. 64 1 <br />FJd 1220, ccnioral'i denied 102 S.Ct, <br />387.454 U.S. 892. 70 _L,Ed.lel 206. cer- <br />tioran denied 102 S.\:.t. jlllS, 454 U,5. <br />89Z. 70 L.Ed.2d 206. <br /> <br />.. ~ Opportumt)' CMU <br />"Opportunity coses" ~ factor in deter- <br />ll\inillg burcen on intersuuc commerce <br />from continued operation of rail linp. <br />sought to be abandoned nre defined a.$ <br />ru1 economic loss whic:h an entity expe- <br />rien~cs when it must forego some other. <br />!Dore prol'ita;,le use ot' its resources, ar.d <br />they are comput~ by multiplying net liq. <br />iddation value of Hne by ndequate ra~ of <br />IQIoIIII, C<:II ""'11>villt: E.levator. lnc, v, <br />LC.C., CA.S, 1984. 724 F.ld 666. on re- <br />hearing 735 F.2d 1059. <br /> <br />,. - Rehabilitation costs <br />~ (;(Jmmission (now Board] acted pro~r- <br />It in adopting regulation imp!ementinE <br />It.tllIes concer~ abandoJ1mcrJt of raiI- <br />Nld lines aM discontinuance of rail ser. <br />me which included T\\habilitation cost in <br />'OU\;Cpt of "avoidable CO$t" only if track <br />~ol'fed were not ~fe for operating <br />Speeds of ten miles per hcur or lower. <br />c:bIeaso !IDe!. N,W. T'IIoIIo:>V. Ce. v. u.s.. <br />C-A.7 (111.) 1978, 582 F,2d 1043, supple- <br />IIIented 582 f.2d 1066. certiorari denied <br />, -~ S.Q. 641. ~Q U.S. 1039, SB LSd.~d <br />", .69'. <br />'/ ,:,. <br />, .1" P'-"""nement of 4Ibandonmenl <br />I ' -...... <br />~ c:oun ContraCt $1,Iit brought by <br />"I;~road which had proposed to buy ma- <br />y SegInents of abandoned t.-ack did not <br />! "hoe po3tpel1CJulIlJl ot abandonment <br />, by selling railroad, particu- <br />.J wbere railroad which had proposed <br /> <br /> <br />49 ~ 10905 <br /> <br />to buy traCk was party which had default. <br />ed On purchase agreement. Sirnme~ v, <br />l.C.c.. C.A 7. 1985, 784 F.2d 242. <br /> <br />II. Purehase price esubli$be.d by Board <br />Proper ~"tat\ltory arId constitutional <br />3tOJ'ld..rd for detcuui"ALivlI \)y Cumm!s- <br />sion (oow Board) of purchase price of <br />railroad line 50ughl to be abandoned is <br />f;:lir fJ1arut ulv:agGl v:a1ue that line WQuld <br />have had to railroad had it been permit- <br />ted to abandon line. Chicago and North <br />Western Transp. Co..... u. S.. C.A.7. 191\? <br />678 F.2d 66S. <br /> <br />12. Subsidy compensatlon established <br />by DQ~....J <br />Interstale Commerce Commission [now <br />Surface Tral1Sportation Board) had not <br />euItic;.,ntly indicated to ship~1 .....uuul <br />of subsidy which shipp~r would be re- <br />quired to make [0 compel carrier to con. <br />tinue opP.r:lTil'le line wh,ch it wished tQ <br />abandon; labor ~sts waich carrier <br />weuld incur by not abandoning line were <br />not sufficient:y set forth. Crand Prairie <br />Coop. Inc. v. I.C.C" CA.7. 1994, 16 F.3d <br />789. <br /> <br />13. Binding natUn, urlltHIcl1 dcclstons <br />, Revised Interstate Commerce Act, gov. <br />erning offers of financial assistam;:e 10 rail <br />=rnen; to :h'oid abllndotlmonc And JQ- <br />co:Jtinuan~e of raillincs, does nOl permit <br />selling carrier to back Out of Sale of rail <br />litle QI;Ce transaction ha:<: .........n IIUthQl"i2ed <br />by Interstatt: COmmerte Commistion <br />[110W Surface Transportiition Board). <br />. Railway Labor Executivu' A$s'n v. Staten <br />Wand R. Corp., C.A.2 (N.Y.) 1986. 792 <br />F.2d 7, certiorari denied 107 S.Ct. 97.7, <br />479 U.S. 1054, 93 LEd.2d 918. <br /> <br /> <br />Offering abandoned ra1l properties Cor sale for public <br />purposes <br /> <br />en the Board approves an application to abandon Or di$contin- <br />,;. undf.'r section 10903. the BViinl shall find whether the rail <br />nics that are involved in the proposed abandonment or discon- <br />.. ce are appropriate for use for public purpo!;e~, inr.1uding <br />,ways, other forms of mass transportation, conservation, energy <br />, uction or transmission, or recr~tion. If the Board finds that <br />'~ail pf"opc:nics pt"oposetJ Lv be:! abandoned are appropriate for <br />; C PUrposes and not required for continued rail operations, the <br />t1ies may be sold, leased, exchanged, Or othp.l"'\.Visp. r!isposed of <br />. under conditions provided in the order of the Board. The <br />125 <br /> <br />/' <br />