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<br /> <br />49 ~ 10905 <br /> <br />RAIL Ch. 109 <br /> <br />conditions may include a prohibition on any such disposal for a <br />period of not more than 180 days after the effective date of the order, <br />unless the properties have first been offered, on reasonable tenns, for <br />,~::.1p. r"r- rl11hlk ~111'!'1n~f"_". <br />(Added Pub.L. 104-88, Title I. 9 102(a), Dec. 29,1995. J09 Stat. 827.) <br /> <br />Hl~TUR1CAL ANU STATUTURY NUl't:S <br /> <br />Rev1slon No1e5 and Leg15ladve Iteporu <br />1995 .\cUi. House Report No. 104-311 <br />and House Conference Report Nt!. <br />104-422. ~ee 1995 lr.S, Code Cong. ~d <br />Adm. Ncw$. p. 793. <br />E.lfective Dates <br />1!J95 Acts. Section effective Jan. 1, <br />1996, exc:ept as otherwise provided in <br />Pub.L 1~8, see section 2 of Pub.L. <br />104--88. set OUt as a note under section <br />70 I of this title. <br />t'riOl' I" roviSiODB <br />Provisions similar to those in this sec. <br />tion were contained in sec;tioQ 10906 of <br /> <br />this title prior tt! the general amendment <br />nr "hi-, lI"hrit.... hy P"h. T. 104-88. <br />9 102(a). <br /> <br />A prior seetion 1090S, Pub.L 95-473.' <br />OCt. 17, 1978. 92 Slat. 1405; Pub.1.. <br />96-448, Title IV. ~ 402(c). Oct. 14. 1980. <br />94 Stat. 1942; Pub.L 1 0~272. ~ 4lj)(26). <br />.July S. t994. loa 31i1L 13651. rdi&Lcd II) <br />offe~ of nnancial a$$i$tance LO avoid <br />abandonment and di$co.atinuance. prior <br />to tIll': ~CI""" al a.ucna.uem of this au\:.oI.iLh: <br />by Pub.L 104-88. 9 1 02 (a). See section <br />10904 of this litle. <br /> <br />CROSS REFERENCES <br /> <br />Civil penalties for knowin}tly authorizing, consenting to, or permitting violation ci <br />this seenon, see 49 USCA i J J 901. <br />Enforcement by Surface TranspoTtation Board by enjoinins rail carrier from <br />violating this section. see 49 USCA 9 11702. <br /> <br />UBRARY REFERENCES <br /> <br />AmeriUD DJsest System <br />Regulation of intematc carr1m; c:ertifkate$ and extension or abandonmem of <br />lines, see Commerce 1&=0>85.6. <br />Regulation of interstate transportation in Eeneral. see Canie~ <p23. <br /> <br />Enqdopedias <br />Abandonmcnt Or di$c:ocbnuanc.e of lines or operations: sale for public purpo$eS. <br />/lee C.J.5. CII' 1i!:1 /j Si 44. <br /> <br />WESTL\ W ELECTRONIC RESEARCH <br /> <br />C41.rriers l;!LSes: 70k[add key number]. <br />Commerce cases: 83k(add key number]. <br />See:, alsD. WESTl.AW guide followiJ1g the Explanation pages of this volume. <br /> <br />NOTES OF DECISIONS <br /> <br />P:99mpdoIJ 1 <br />Property interest of landowner 2 <br />SUite reguhition O! control 1 <br /> <br />mino~ to be $uitabll! For U$e Feu' puhliC <br />purposes. did not preempt state law ~ <br />garding abandonment of railroad rights. <br />of.way. Lawson v. State. Wash..t986, <br />730 P.2d 1308, 107 Wash.2d 444. <br /> <br />I. State regWation or Q)ntrQl <br />Federal statu_eo allowing lnte~tate 2. I"ropcrty interEst of landowner :'\ <br />Commerce Commission [now Surface uuerswe Commerce Commi$S10D:~. <br />Transponatioll Board] tD condition sale: (ICC) [now Sunac:c TnuuportatlOD::., <br />of ab~l'\doned railrcad properties deter- Board] impositioD. of public use conditi.-,., <br />lib <br /> <br />eh. 109 UCENSING <br /> <br />iD its order authorizing abandonment of <br />rail li!1e exis~ pursuant to easement <br />over lAndowners property, whic:h condi- <br />tioJl required rail.line owner to leave all <br />bridges. culvert$ and similar Structures <br />j,Quu;t Car 160 dal~ uul<.:>> \iUI;O w~ flrst <br />olTered for sale for public purpQSe5. did <br />nOt prevent reversion of laDdownen' <br /> <br />pro <br />ha <br />of <br />. S9 <br />he <br />bl! <br />12 <br /> <br />~ 10906. Qcept10n <br /> <br />Notwithstanding section 10901 and <br />this title, and without the approvaJ <br />pro'i irJii}& Lnt.u.spurLauon subject 10 <br />under this part may enter into arran! <br />or joint use of spur. indu.~al, Tp.::Im. <br />Board does not have authority under <br />acquisition. operation, abandonment. <br />dustrial, team, sWItching, or side traci <br />(Added Pub.t.. 10~88, Title J, 9 102(a). D <br /> <br />HISTORICAL AND STI <br /> <br />RaYiaioa Note/:; !IrK! l.egialo.tivc Ihpom <br />199' Ac:ts. House Report No. 104-311 <br />and House Conference ~port No. <br />104-422. see 1995 V.S. Code Con~. and <br />Adm. News. p. 793. ' <br />Effe.:tive Dates <br />1995 Acts, Section effe~tivc Jan, 1. <br />19,6, exce))t as otherwise ))rovided I!\ <br />Pub.L. 104-88, see section 2 of Pub.L. <br />104-88, set out as a note WIder sc:c:tion <br />70 J ot d1iuitlc. <br />PrIor hovfsions <br />Provisions similar 10 those in this sec- <br />tio~ W~l'e (.UII~iJ",t.l in :secuon 10907 of <br /> <br />t!- <br />oj <br />9 <br /> <br />o <br />o <br />S; <br />e <br />1 <br />tl <br /> <br />CROSS REFE <br /> <br />Civil penalties for knowingly authori%ing. <br />this section. see 49 USCA ~ 11901. <br />F.nfoT'ccm'"t by Surf...:..: T. tW"JlVI1aLion <br />violating this section. see 49 OSCA <br /> <br />LIBRAJU KJ:;!o <br /> <br />AmeritaI1 Digest System <br />Rc:guJ~Liun of Interst.ate carriers; cenif., <br />lines, see Commerce <P8S.6. <br />~egulation of inte:-swe tra.nsj)Ortatian in <br /> <br />ElIC)dopedia.s <br /> <br />I. Rai1!.icensinS; e1tc:eptions to licc:n.sing au <br />1~7 <br /> <br />