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<br />1998 REGULAR SESSIO\" <br /> <br />Ch. 268, * 1 <br /> <br />the seconrl day of January of earh year by payment of a fee of $10. The regisll'ar shall issue <br />to each deaJer, upon request of the dealer, deaJel' pl<Jtes as IH'O\'ided in ,;ubdidsion lG upon <br />payment of $5 for each plate, and the plates ma.y be used in the same manner and for the <br />same purposes as is pro\'iderl in ,;ubdiyision 16. Except for motorized bicycle dealers, the <br />l'egi,;t!'aI' shall also issue to the dealer. upon request of the dealer. "in transit" plate" as <br />provided in subdi\ision 17 upon pa.\'ment of a fee of $,) for each plate. This "ubdi\'ision "hall <br />not be construed to abrogate any of the pl'O\;sions of this section as the same relates to the <br />duties, I'esponsibilities. and J'equirement,; of person,;. copartnerships. or corporations engaged <br />in the business, either exclusi\el~' 01' in addition to other occupations. of selling motor vehicles <br />or manufactured homes, except that a ,;eder of boat trailer,;, utilitv trailers, 01' snowmobile <br />trailers who is licensed under this subdi\;sion is not required to have a contract or franchise <br />\\;th <J manufacturel' or rlistl'ibutor of new boat trailen.;. utility trailers. or new sno\\1nobile <br />trailers the seller proposes to sell, broker, wholesale. or auction. This section shall not be <br />construed to require a manufacturer of sno\\111obile trailers whose manufacturing facility is <br />located outside of the metropolitan area as defined in section 473.121 to have a dealer's license <br />to transport the snowmobiJe trailers to dea]ers or retaiJ outlets in the :::tate. <br /> <br />Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 199(), section 168.275. is amended to I'ead: <br /> <br />168.275 SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLES O~ su~m.-\ Y FORBIDDEX <br /> <br />Any person who shall carryon or engage in the business of bu~ing, selling, exchanging, <br />dealing in or trading in new or used motor vehicJes; 01' who shaJJ open any place of business <br />or lot wherein the person attempts to or does engage in the business of buying, selling, <br />exchanging, dealing or trading in new or used motor yehicles; or who does buy, sell, <br />exchange, deal or trade in new or used motor vehicJes as a business on the first day of the <br />week, commonly known and designated as Sunday, is guilty of a misdemeanor for the first <br />offense, and a gross misdemeanor for each succeeding offense. Such a person upon <br />conviction for the first offense shaH pay a fine not to exceed .$700 01' be impl"isoned for a <br />period of not more than ten days; and for the second offense shall pay a fine not to exceed <br />$3,000 or be imprisoned for a period of not more than 30 days or both; and for the third or <br />each subsequent offense shall pay a fine of not more than $3,000 or be imprisoned for a period <br />of not more than sLx months or both. This section does not applv to the sale of (1) trailers <br />desi~ed and used primariJy to transport watercraft, as defined in section 86B.005, subdivi- <br />sion 18, (2) trailers desi~ed and used primarilv to transport all-telTain vehicles, as defined in <br />section 84.92, subdivision 8, (3) trailers desi~ed and used primal"ily to transpOli snowmobiles <br />as defined in section 84.81, subdivision 3, or (4) utility traiJers as defined in section 168.27, <br />subdivision 20. <br /> <br />Sec. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> <br />Section 2 is effective the day follo"ing finaJ enactment. <br /> <br />Presented to the governor Mal'ch ;3, 1998_ <br /> <br />Approved March 5, 1998. <br /> <br />RAMSEY COUNTY-HEALTH CARE COOPERATIVE-PURCHASES <br /> <br />CHAPTER 268 <br /> <br />S.F. No. 2525 <br /> <br />A!IJ ACT relating to Ramsey county; authorizing the county to make certain purchases from Oi' <br />through a health care cooperatil'e; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, <br />chapter 383A. <br /> <br />BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE; OF MINNESOTA: <br />Section 1. 38:3A.323 PURCHASING THROUGH HEALTH CARE COOPERATIVE. <br /> <br />Additions are indicated by underline; deletions by strik&IM <br /> <br />141 <br />