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<br />OCT-13-99 82:85 PM AREA.MECHANIAL.INC. <br /> <br />612 451 8676 <br /> <br />P.05 <br /> <br />10;1~/lg99 13:44 <br /> <br />b:l-bJ:H1066 <br /> <br />MN ~CORN <br /> <br />F'~f:IE 1311 <br /> <br />2 If I resident ClMOt f610cate the manufactured home within a twCftt)--flve (25) mile radius of <br />the park whJch Is bein. eloted or IOme other.,reed UpolI diltlnce. and the resident ~5 not to <br />tender title to the manuf'actlolted home, the resident is entitled to relocation costt based upon en <br />.,,<<aie of reloQ8ti01\ COItI .warded to other residen.. in the park <br /> <br />3 A 4ispJued rnident COmpenl&led under 11118 lection IhAJ1 retain utie to the muufKtured home <br />and .hall he r.ponaible for it. prompt removal D-om the manuf'actured home park. <br /> <br />4 The part owner IhaD make the paymentl under this teetion ctirKlJy to the person ptdormina <br />the relocation lfT"IIieefl after performance Ihereor, or, upon aubmillllion of written .vidence of <br />p3y'I11erIt otrelocation coltl by. dilplaced rellident, Ihlll reimbur. th, displaced residenl Cor suc.h <br />oost.. <br /> <br />S The- displaced resident mu. lubmit a comraet or atMr verified go" estimate fol relucaJjnu lhe <br />manufactured home to the park. owner u a condition [0 the plrk owner'.liabiJIty to pa, <br />relocttlon _pense,. <br /> <br />!lEC11Olt XX'XX12 PAYIUM'f Of ~ftITIOIU.LCOMPDAATlOH <br /> <br />[( a resident either cannot or ehoolel not 10 rdoclte the IJ1IIIft.Ifictu home within I 2!-mile <br />radit..\1 or d1e park that I, betna clolcd or some Other ....eed upon dlaanee and temders title co ehe <br />rnanu1'acNred homeJ the _dent il emitled to additional C3mpen8l1ion to be paid by the <br />po.IrMlter or me plrk in <<de to mitipte the advene of the park clolliftj. In IUch <br />instance, the additional oompenwion IhaII be ID amoum equal to the estimated martcec VIIue or <br />the,1X aIMtMd value orthe manufactured home. wbichever i. ....eeT. u determined by 111 <br />independent appraiaef er:peftenctd iD mobile home apprlial approved by the City Aclminiltrator <br />The purchaser shill pay &be COlt of the appraisal or IbaU roimbwN me City fbr 1ft)' lCtvanee& it <br />mates to IUch appralw for lOch COlt. Tbe pW'Cu. IhIII pay such compenaatlon into 1ft ,"row <br />ICCOWU, estabUsbed by the park owner. for distribution up3ft trIftIfer of tide 10 dUf home. Such <br />oampen..don abaJI be paid to rhe di.plaeed own.,. 110 later than the rUnety (90) dIyt prior 10 the <br />earli<< of doq of 'be part Of it. cOlWe1'liOft co another use. <br /> <br />U.C"TInN YYYY ,.. .~ Y'IIftNT ow MUk:',A,"ON ~~ TO IlEN"DU <br /> <br />1, After ~ce of'the closure statement by the park owner and upon eubmi'ltal by the displlced <br />renter of I contract or other ~don of rcloeation experueI, the park owner shall pay to tl1e <br />di.plac;ed renter rtuonable costa ofrol~ llcaaonable relocation QOll.IlhaU indude: <br /> <br />A. 1'be amuaI expenses incurred in ,"uvUla tbe dJJplaoed renter', personal property. <br /> <br />B. 1'he co. of iMutance tW the roplaecmcDt value of the property beiDa moved. <br /> <br />C. The difFerenre botwc*! (New Lot Rat - ClolIId Lot Ilent) for I period of 2 years, ;( <br />the MW lot rent It goat<< tltlD tho old lOt rart. <br />