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<br />OCT-13-99 02:05 PM AREA.MECHANIAL.INC. <br /> <br />612 451 8676 <br /> <br />P.84 <br /> <br />1~;1~.'1~~~ l?:~a <br /> <br />651-b:.1;2-ee6E:J <br /> <br />rAN Ar;IJRI'1 <br /> <br />P~GE 1j3 <br /> <br />p.& DIl Q\Y!fII.: The owner of' I manu~red heme park and any perIOD lCtins on bebaJf ar the <br />owner in the operation or manqemem of. park. <br /> <br />PUSOJI. Any IndMdUIJ. ~on. finn. pannenhip, incorporated and unintoOrponted <br />aseoeiatioft or any other I. or oommerciaJ entity, <br /> <br />n,cno", mnrY .. NQft~ (UP A.OIIlKi <br /> <br />If. manutktund home park it to be doled, oonvertod Us whole or part \0 another 'lie or <br />terminated a. a IJIe oime proPenyl die park owner 8b& least nine (9) monIlia prior to the <br />cJolUte. convonion to anol_ UN or termiution OfUM, prOYido & copy of a cloue millDam ID <br />a res1d1llt of each 1IIIn~ home and 10 the City'. P1annina Commission. <br /> <br />ut""nOJlr 1nrTY 015 NO,"" Or PIl.~U; ~A.ltnrG <br /> <br />The City'. PlnUnS Commillioa .halJ IUbmit tbe dOll.n'c statement to tbe City Couocil and <br />reqU11t the City Council to IOliecl\ale a publio hearins. The City thall mlil a notice a& least ten (10) <br />dlY' prior to the public hcaril1l to . resident of *h IDI1IWf'actured home in the puk lIWiDl the <br />time. place and-purpose oftbe h..m,. The puk otmer IbalI provide the City with .Iiat ofrhe <br />name! and Iddres. of It least one resident of each manutktured hofhe in the park at the tin~ <br />tile clolUfe ltatement i,submitted to the City's Planning Cammiuion. <br /> <br />SR~III KYY1r . .IIIILIC .........r.. <br /> <br />A public hnrina ,han be held before dM City CouncU tor the puJ'pOlI of 1"eYiewm, the cloture <br />rnalentem and evaluating what ~ the park dolin, may have on the d.isplaced resident. and <br />the park owner. <br /> <br />sacnolllf!ll:YY1l: I.PAYMENT(U'_~TlQN COS1'5I'O IIOIUOW1'fXU <br /> <br />I. After &et'iico or ch. closure statement by the park owner UId upon IUbmittlSl by the dilplKIId <br />resident of I contrICt or other verifioatiOJJ of relocation expenses, the park owner shall pay to the <br />dilplaoed residant the rtUOuble GOat of relocarins the JllftUractured home fO another <br />manutktured home patte loClted within I twenty-Bve (25) mile r&diu. of the pad that il be(nt! <br />closed. convened to another 11M, or ceaam. operatiDn. Reasonable relocation costs ahaJI inch.lde. <br /> <br />A. The ICt\IaI eJCpeftIeI incurred ill movin. the displaced resident', manuktured hnme <br />Iftd peraonal property. includiq the reUOll8bJc COlt of d'lUsembJIna. movh18 and <br />reu-.nbling shed. and Ifty .uached appunenanctS. laUch u porchet, decU. .kinin, I..d <br />awnioa" which wcr~ Dot aoqujroc5 after noti~ of C'OIW'8 or COD'YenUoD otlb. pa~ Iftd <br />utiUty'1took-up" charJeIf, <br /> <br />8, The colt oflnsurlB~ for the replacen1enl Vlluo orthe property ban, moved. <br /> <br />C. The coat or rcp&ire or mndi&aticw that IRI required in order to take down. mo~ IInd <br />lei up tho tIIIII.~ bomc. <br />