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<br />FROM :CITY OF MAPLE GROVE C&ED <br />. <br /> <br />612 494 6425 <br /> <br />1999,06-30 10:16 ~717 P.02/03 <br /> <br />.M~ple Grove <br /> <br />CHAPTER 3 <br />GENERAL REQUIREMENTS <br /> <br />SECTION 301 <br />GENERAL <br /> <br />301.1 Scope. The provisions of this ,haplc:r shall govern the <br />minimum conditions and the responsibilities of persons for <br />maintenance of strUctures. equipment and exterior property. <br /> <br />301.2 Responsibility. The owner of the premises shall maintain <br />the: structures and extcrior property in compliance with these <br />requirements. except as otherwise provided for in Sections 305 <br />and 306. A person shall nO[ occupy as owner-occupant or penni t <br />another person to occupy premises which are not in a saraital)' <br />and safe condition and which do not comply wirh the require- <br />ments of this chapler. Occupanls of a dwelling unit are respon- <br />sible for keeping in a clean. sanitary and safe condition that part <br />of the dwelling unit or premises which they occupy and cona-ol. <br /> <br />301.3 Vacant structures and land. All vacant strUctures and <br />premises thereof or vacant land shaJ! be maintained in a clean. <br />safe. secure and sanitary condition as provided herein so as not <br />to cause a blighting problem or adversely affect [he public <br />healtlJ or safecy. <br /> <br />SECTION 302 <br />EXTERIOR PROPERTY AREAS <br /> <br />302.1 Sanitation. AIl exterior property and p~mises shall b~ <br />maintained in a clean. safe and sanitary condition.. The occupant <br />shaU keep [hat part of the exterior property which such occupant <br />occupies or controls in a clean and sanitary condition. <br /> <br />302.2 Grading and drainage. AU premises shall be graded and <br />maintained to prevent the erosion of soil and to prevent" the <br />accumulation of stagnant water thereon, or within any strUcture <br />located thereon. <br /> <br />Exception: Approved retention areas and reservoirs. <br /> <br />302.3 Sidewalks and driveways. AU sidewalks, walkways, <br />stairs, driveways, parking spaces and similar areas shall be kept <br />in a proper state of repair. and maintained free from hazardous <br />conditions. Stairs shall comply wim the requirements of Sec- <br />tions 303.10 and 702.9. <br /> <br />302.4 Weeds. All premises :lnd ex.terior property shall be main- <br />tained free from weeds or plant growth in ex.cess of 10 inches <br />(254 mm). All noxious weeds ShOll) be prohibited. Weeds shall <br />be detined as all grasses. annual plants and vegetation, other <br />than trees or shrubs provided: however. Ihis term shall not <br />include cultivated tlowers Jl1d gardens. <br /> <br />302.5 Rodent haroorage. AIl.~tructures and exterior property <br />shall be kept free from roJent harborage anJ infestation. Where <br />rodents are found, they shall be promptly extermin<1ted by <br />approved processes ~hich will not be injurious to human <br />health. After extermination. proper precautions shall b~ taken <br />to diminate rodent harborage and prevcnt reinfcstation. <br /> <br />r', ~J02~6'Ejhaulit vent"s:pwes. duct~. condu~[Or.~. fans or blowers <br />shall noc Ji.~l:hargc: gases. ste:.Lm. vapor. hOI air. grease. smoke. <br /> <br />1998 INTeANATlONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE <br /> <br />odors or other g:lseou.o; or particulalt? wastes directly upon I \ <br />abuuing or adjacent public or private property or th;1C of anolher I ; <br />tenant. \.1 <br /> <br />302.7 Accessory structures. AU :lCCC6S0ry srructures. includ- <br />ing detached g:lf:Jges. fences and walls. .shall be mainwined <br />strUcturalJy sound and in good repair. <br /> <br />302.7.1 Gates which :u'e required to be self-closing i'111d <br />self-latching in accordi'111ce witlJ the building code shall be <br />maintained such that the gate will positively close and latch <br />when released from a still position of 6 inches (152 rnm) <br />from the gatepost. <br /> <br />302.8 Motor vehicles. Except as provided for in other regula- <br />tions, not more than one cUfTently unregistered or uninspected <br />motor vehicle shall be parked. kept or stored on any premises. <br />and no vehicle sh.lIl at any time be in a state of major disassem- <br />bly. disrepair, or in the process of being stripped or dismantled. <br /> <br />Exception: A vehicle of any type is permitted to undergo <br />major overhaul. including body work. provided that such <br />work is perfonned inside a structure or similarly enclosed <br />area designed and approved for such purposes. <br /> <br />302.9 Defacement or property. No person shall willfully or <br />wantonly damage. mutilate or deface any exterior surface of <br />any structure or building on any priv-ace or public property by <br />placing thereon any marking. carving or groffici. <br /> <br />It shall be the responsibility of the owner to restore said <br />surface (0 i'111 approved scate of maintenance and repair. <br /> <br />SECTION 303 <br />EXTERIOR STRUCTURE <br /> <br />303.1 Genera!. The exterior of a structure shall be maintained <br />in good repair. structurally sound :u1d sanitary so as noc to pose <br />a threat to the public health. safety or welfare. <br /> <br />303.2 Protective treatment. All exterior surfaces. including <br />but not limited [0. doors. door and window frames. cornices, <br />porches and [rim. shaH be maintainc:d in good condirion. Exte- <br />rior wood surfaces. other than dec:1y-re.~istant woods. shall be <br />procected from (h~ elements and decay by painting Or other <br />protective covering or treatmenL Peeling. flaking and chipped <br />paine shall be eliminated and surfaces repainted. All siding and <br />masonry joints ;1S well as those bctween the building envelope <br />and the perimeter of windows, doors. and skylights shaH be <br />majntain~d wealh~r resistant and waler tight <br /> <br />303.3 Street numbers. Each structure to which a slreet number <br />ha.'i becn assigne~1 shall have such number &5playc:d in "- <br />position easily ohserved and readabl~ from [he public way. All <br />numbers shall be in Ar..lbic numeral.~ <.It I~a.~t 3 inches 06 mm) <br />hi~h and r/ ( IJ mm) stmkl:. <br /> <br />3113." Structural m~mbl:rs. All stnil':lUral m~mbers shall be <br />maintained frcl: from J~teri()ratjon. and shall b~ c;lpabJ~ of <br />safely .~upp.'rting the: imposcd J~;ld and lille loads. <br /> <br />9 <br />