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<br />.. . L' &oj <br /> <br />c&~rlifirntt <br />nf ffi'HrlJ~ <br /> <br />Ftom 1h" or.f <br />GEORGI- SCHJ\DDT & ASSOC. INC. <br />,)01)2 No l..,jl\llon A.Vf: . RO~f:v,lIr, Mn. SS11.S <br />LAND ~URVEYINC <br />463-<<08 <br />I Htrtby Certif)' that thl.. pllt shows I SVr'\If:y Inldt bv ",r of Ihf: prOPf:r1'r <br />dfo\Ctlbfd on Ihis ~Iat. and Ihat I'" CO'I'If:H arf: tottKtly plMfd ., ,how", <br />11,., ,'I, ....,.,.f'~ "J", rlulI~ tJ)' "'~, 'r ." c1'!r"~ tUrrct "'III.rd;lon: <br />th<4l J .,'" J duly r,..,t stcred Land 5une\'or uruler th\.' l.....) 'I' '10(" <br />q'ltt" ..I lI!nr""'$OlJ. . <br /> <br />.....~~...,...,.. <br /> <br />Job Number: JI7, <br />SurveyeC1 For Jo...i Dd\"".... <br />Dale _Q~~"r )[, ,"eo!. <br />Scale I" = SO' <br /> <br />.,f1~~ <br />Ioi[Co'Ul""O ........0 ty.....( -Oil <br />I~". r~!tJI$tr.1tloll Un. IOtt')9 <br /> <br />'Jr~rll:.'11'.!j: f Tot.ill <br /> <br />:' ,.: 1'.J,r: or lh(.' ~I 1/1. of lh~ Sf lIlt of SI.Cl1on ,;, Township 19 UOrlh, HdnQe 2) \IIest, .ccordi:ul lu Ih<: Cc'1\C'flltlU'III :"Jr\'('\.' <br />n....,.rlll'",~ .'50 ruI10....\ '..."1 h(','rtn!~$ In thl$ t1t'$crlpllo!l h..ln4 h..srd on lh~ Soull'. 11l\e or 10,\1051 "" .IS. .111 I.ut .,,,11 \\f.~t 11'11.:'; <br />" 0 ,:':~' t =1"11 "t oJ Dutil! JJ.O feel fI,,,.tl. or It'l' t;Ollth 1~1I(, oJOIJ lrt99.GJ 'r~t ~c~t of ~he fait J1n~ lit $,lid ~N.ttul'\ ,; t/l('fI~t' <br />.. V l . Li,a r,.'..t lf1 thf7 poInt or h('f~IJ.llln~ vf the." t,r.lC'l bCl"t; o1r.scrlb('d: lhence rl 0 0'" .. 176 htt: thonCt: "en ))'1 G'J r... I' <br />U'.n~" . ::. .~}'\O" \\ JO,~.GG reft: tJ.;.n('~ 5 c.o"J'W li;",19 reet; thcnce l.:u\. 380 feet to lhe- poSnt of h(''1lnnlnQ Suf,J";'; tll (". <br />n,')t"n..(lt..!. .Int! TI....trlt.ttons or record. HoJf!tsey (ou",~), "'1nne$ola : <br /> <br />OlS.CHIrtI')J:: (Po.'IrC'd "I <br />1',.n p.Hl of lht" Sf 1.'1e of the S[ 1.,e. of Set tlon 9. Town!lIHrt :"': North, Range 2) .est, Iccordln!] to the Covernment lurveri <br />dt"~cri~('d .Pt rolJo'" (.11 br.r1l'1ql In this thacrlpti"," belnQ b.ud on the' South Une of ..Sd SE l'e. .n .n .nd "'en l~nel <br />CQ~t"f1clI1Q at " polr-':. ').0 feet Uorth or the South line Ind "99.6) fe~t "'f:st of the r,~st Un. of :PlI1d Seetlon e; thence <br />II 000':1' .. to ree~ to t',f" ool,.,t of be-<;rlnnlna or th,- tuct being described I thf'Jnr.~ N iJ "8' '" 27. tert: thence Wcs.t 21e0 'eet.j " <br />("rr-~r :"J 1 ......JO" [ &7.):' ree;.: thence 5 17 (1,11~) fest tu;.: point herf"n I(ter referred to I' polnt "A"jthtncc: c,,"l1nuin\j <br />~ Il' l b( .7 f('el; lIH.:ncc 5 ZZO \II 90 fecti then(~ 5 86 ..' lJO feet to .3 polnt herdn after r.ferred to .s point IOU"; th('nee: <br />S :. '-I' . J~.O fcct; t.h~nc~ Cut )SO ~ce-t to the- point or beIJI.,nl.,q. SuuJect to . drlve",))' e.sancnt dcscr!brd al bS91nniOl] .)t <br />.,l1OH d~:.cribcd po~nt "U"; thence S r. r.l' 'VI )~ reel; thence [alt 1)Z.~1t reet; thence North ..).'S recti the nee S,G .. IJO <br />fcr\ lO pl11nt "b" , .:sod ;"ogchter .It'' a 20 (Dot utilAty easement, t~e cen~er l1ne o( !.1Jd 20 foot e.HC'f'I'.ent Is descrIbed .n <br />brf;ltlntn'l .It "t>...y(' ~~:.crlued potnt """j thence S 7'1 )8')"" ..' )6.,.9 rcet; thence Il 69 26' "" . 75.51 rcC'l t.o . poll'll on the- <br />I oJ~t J I.~,(' (Jf ^cor.\ HOo1d .nd there ter"ln.1t.lnq. ~oJftlse)' ('ount)' I "lnne-Soot.>>. <br /> <br />~',' <br /> <br />ot.s.rRII'11f1lj: (P.rce-l U) <br />Ih,)l Po1r-t of th~ Y I'''' or the S( 1/4 of Section 8. TO'llrnshlp n North, R,anqe l) "e..t, .ccordlnq to the Co'tcrnlllent $\.:1'''''(')'1 <br />de>erlbrd .. fullo-. (oIl bcarln9' In thl> de.crlptlon beln~ based on the South line 01 .41d SE I/~ os an rut and _r.t line: <br />f",""f"ndl'lQ at a point )).0 feet Nort.h of the South l1ne .nd "99.,~ feot Welt or ':,e (lit "tne of wid !.cr.tlon &: tht'nC't <br />N OOO~. . '-'6G feet: thence 'est ZItO feet to the point orobeq1Mlng or the t.rlct to be' hent" deKr1bed; thence c""t1nuln~ ~e't <br />'1\1.~~ In-I: thenre ~ l"oZ)')O" t 10Z'~ leet; thence S" ~1'oW I~Z.19 leCI to. poInt hereIn .rLer rrfcrred to a. poInt.}'} <br />th('n"~ loj "Go ( 1)0 fe-rob: thCf\CC 11126 [ 90 feet; thence N 17 .. 66.47 feet to . poInt herein .fter rererred to .n polnf A i <br />th,,'o('C' C'ont1"ul"~ N 17 'II 18.~) feet." thence H lO~41)()" W ".)5 feet to the poInt. or bC'-!tnnlng_ SuIJJect. to. 20 foot ullllty <br />ea:u""c",t the center linc of said 20t~oot ea,emenl I, desC'r!bt"d al bCQlnnl"'9 It abo'te delocrlbed pulnt "A"~ thcn-:e <br />~ 796j~.j".. ViI ~~.49 fecl: th~nc:c II 8726'19" a 7).5'2 feet to ,1 point on the East \lne o( Acorn ROdd "Cd thtU t~rmlnJ\.~nq, <br />.1U1 t('l.)rlh~r _It" a drive...) e.!!tCfftCnl described as beg~nnl"9 at above described point "0", tittnC'e S" Itl' .. )) 'e,."i thcrc:c <br />(....1 J}.~.'>" f('C't; thrncc U...lrlh ").9~ fel.t; lhCnCt: ~ 8G w 1)0 feet to,polnt "nol, nam~('y Count)'. t:'~nn("oU. <br /> <br />....., ..~"'!" <br />33'3 r.c;:, <br /> <br />'f9.'S" <br />?O~O <br /> <br />'); <br />'? <br />~'" <br />..:a <br />, <br />.' ...) <br /> <br />, <br />, <br />....~I,..fI. / <br /> <br />/ <br />/ <br /> <br />C:> <br />"" <br />Of. <br /> <br />.~~ <br /> <br />....... <br /> <br />!i~..~~ <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />I ... ~ .l. .. <br /> <br />" ". <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> i-, a <br /> i; I <! <br /> Ii I 0 <br /> I cr <br /> ~ " <br /> 1 <br />1:"t..: ,...,~T A 1 \.;~ <br /> o-{ I <br /> I Z <br />He.:.,' '-- C ex: <br /> 0 <br /> \) <br /> <( <br /> <br />'II. ~ ..' <br /> <br />." <br /> <br />~ <br />LJ~j <br /> <br />) <br />1.115 <br />,~"o <br />x <br /> <br />)~ <br /> <br />". I ") <br />I 0' <br />J '("~.. <br />~ ~ '.. <br />I ... . <br />" ~r.' <br />j ,,',~~/' <br />...~~[ ._. ",,' Q~" _,,< Of <br />-- ----------..' --,./ <br />- ,~""............... ,L -~..... - -- <br />- ""'------- ---. -- -~?--= <br />\ "'. c.......,: e........<t I T ~ <br />-,--' I~::; <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />T,.. <br />.r- <br />T_ <br />~ <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />.-~ <br />-t' <br /> <br />q <br /> <br />.IO.....-~ <br /> <br />" <br />-'1". I, <br />l~ 'I <br />.:"t'.,. <br /> <br />. <br />J <br />.~,'). jJ <br /> <br />J 0 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />...... <br /> <br />.r:.. <br /> <br />380 <br />1...1 <br /> <br />-w.-- - . <br /> <br />/ ?J! <br />COUNTY ROAD <br /> <br />~ !....... ,....~~":.~._PJ <br />;.. <br />;. <br /> <br />~' <br />-"': <br />. <br /> <br />----. <br />