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<br />including 120 hotel rooms, recreations facilities, eating, drinking, meeting and parking <br />facilities meeting the criteria in the PUD for the existing hotels. No accessory structures <br />or exterior trash collection areas will be allowed. Where not superseded by more <br />restrictive requirements ofthe PUD, the standards of the City Zoning Code still apply. <br />The building does not exceed the 1997 EA W thresholds, in fact, it may reduce PM peak <br />traffic impacts from a similar sized office building. The site planning and architecture <br />meet or exceed the Centre Pointe PUD requirements. The use is compatible and <br />complimentary to the buildings in the Business Park. <br /> <br />4.3 The green space with trail areas will be 27% and the building height 3 stories maximum, <br />except that buildings south of Lydia may be up to 8 stories. <br /> <br />4.4 The lot size for the CSM proposed amendment is 129,434 s.f. (2.97 acres) and building <br />setbacks will be met in this proposal (B-4 allows for 30 feet of front setback, 10 feet of <br />side setback, and 20 feet of rear setback). <br /> <br />4.5 Building materials will be at least brick on a minimum of 65% of all vertical exterior wall <br />surfaces visible from any public right of way. The brick is earth tone browns and dark <br />browns, similar to the Residence Inn. No more than 35% of any vertical exterior wall will <br />be a combination of color impregnated rock face block stucco or EFIS/Dryvit, primarily <br />for trim or accent and sign banding. <br /> <br />4.6 All HV AC will be roof mounted and screened from view as measured/viewed from any <br />adjoining right-of-way line. If ground mounted, HV AC must be screened. <br /> <br />4.7 Parking requirements have been established by the City in the original PUD and apply <br />here. No semi tractor or trailer parking on streets, landscaped areas or parking lots, or <br />loading areas, except while delivering materials, is allowed in the business park. <br /> <br />4.8 Parking setbacks of 15 feet from the front property line are proposed (and required) with <br />80% opaque year-round screening and berming to a minimum height of 30" above curb <br />height. <br /> <br />4.9 Planting areas with shade trees cover a minimum of 5% of the parking lots. All <br />landscaped areas, including planting islands will be irrigated to protect the turf and <br />trees/landscaping materials. <br /> <br />4.10 Sidewalks are required along all interior streets. Connections will be required between the <br />sidewalks and the pathway system along the south side of the lot. The exterior 8-foot <br />pathway (along the north, west, and south side of the business park) was dedicated for <br />public use through an access easement. <br /> <br />4.11 Parking spaces (155 in the CSM amendment) and size requirements must meet the City <br />Code parking standards. In the CSM amendment, the developers are pursuing additional <br /> <br />5 <br />