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<br />shared parking and access space from the adjoining Veritas building so that visitors to the <br />Veritas complex can leave their vehicle parked (if necessary) in the Veritas lot and walk <br />next door through the Marriott Courtyard lot to the hotel. <br /> <br />4.12 Off-site ponding has been reconstructed and is maintained as per City of Roseville and <br />Rice Creek Watershed requirements and permits. No additional ponding is necessary for <br />the CSM amendment. <br /> <br />4.13 Lighting (downcast) for parking lots, and lighting for exterior building areas and signs is <br />proposed to be of one consistent type as applied/installed uniformly throughout the <br />Business Park on all lots. <br /> <br />4.14 The building has a signage plan; it will be submitted at the time of building permit <br />application, identifying the sign band area and entry detail. The total exterior building <br />wall signage may not exceed 10% of the front face area of the building, but sign <br />placement may have some latitude for hotels and restaurants. <br /> <br />4.15 The applicant is requesting one monument sign. Freestanding 2-sided monument signs <br />may only be placed on Centre Pointe Drive. Such signs may be a maximum of 10 feet in <br />width and 6 feet in height and be constructed of the same background material (brick) as <br />the adjoining building. Signage per side will be limited to 16.5 s.f. per side. The setback <br />from any property line will be 10 feet. All sign messages must be on a sign background <br />and must have a similar type style and raised letter heights, and not extend closer than 6" <br />to the edge of the sign background. Landscaping of the base is required. Signs may be <br />front lighted or backlighted. <br /> <br />4.16 The applicant has requested a freestanding sign along the interstate frontage, limited to <br />one 2-sided sign for each two lots (i.e. each building will be limited to sharing a sign <br />backboard with the adjoining Veritas property). The freestanding sign shall be a <br />maximum of20 feet in height 14.5 feet in width, and constructed of the same background <br />material (brick) as the adjoining building. Signage per side is limited to 150 s.f. per side. <br />The setback from any interior property line is 15 feet, from the Interstate, it must match <br />existing signs. All sign messages must be on a sign background and must have a similar <br />type style and raised letter heights, and not extend closer than 6" to the edge ofthe sign <br />background. Landscaping of the base is required. Signs may be front lighted or <br />backlighted. <br /> <br />4.17 All new and replacement street trees will meet the requirements of the City Street Tree <br />Master Plan. <br /> <br />4.18 Communications equipment for the private use of occupants of the buildings (such as <br />antennas and dishes) may only be installed on roofs, or south lawns for hotels. Parapet <br />walls must visually screen such devices from any abutting right-of-way lines. <br /> <br />4.18 Business hours for restaurant operations will be required in licenses approved by the City <br /> <br />6 <br />