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<br />"., . <br /> <br />.'wi' <br />. '" .~ <br />. ..." <br />: t . <br /> <br />, . <br />. . <br /> <br />, <<. f,,'. <br />" ..:', ::. ',-:,' <br />.r " <br />"r ...;.....<: :. <br /> <br />\. <br /> <br />"".t l' ,',~~.~.' ;. ,: ~.~ .' ;:. -" ~ <br />. . .' .... '... ..~, .': ~:." <br />.:' '.;: ..... .:...... , ..-' ""':. ... '," <br />"'<'1' t,?;,..J : .... L - <br />.. ." '. ." . ~.' :' .':. t,~ I~. <br />~.~::~J:~... '~'. ..: <br /> <br />. . ....:. <br /> <br />.:1 . ,..... " :-,. ~. ~"',...,.'.., ... .. ... . ..', : . '. <br />,~..~;:::;~::" .,:' . . " -. <br /> <br /> <br />.... ~"." " .". .... . '.' ".: .i;' ' .,. <br />.....,f,....... '. .. . ~ .. ..... . . -. '. ". <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~~~~~(t\:;: ~~: .,:',~-;.?::~:r,;y',<: ," tlovemher 13. l;'BO <br /> <br />>.;:; ..:. '. ..,<Ellanson'Proper:~i es';'. ... ,:~. . ,.. . .- . . <br />:~1;,:'. ..'.. '1";. ~550 North Le)(.i ngtorf. Avenue <br />!)'>. <f: s~?:)"'v'i't....,~1 t~eso:" ~?112 "" . (i~ . ~ <br /> <br />':""', ., Dear Mr : Evenson": ,c. '" ..' ., , ..' <br />.:~.,!: ......:..' .. ..:.;' .,: ".':'. ;'. ... ..... <br />;.,' ""',, ,< The, Rose v.Uk cIty coun,cil at Its Ilo vemher 1 D. meetIng app roved <br />:hi' ' ' ;,'" your' reques t. for, spe cI a 1. uses'.:. va rl ances and dl vi s,l o,n of lot at <br />"c.' '.' " '" .:' >1540. County Road, B- 2 , ' wi th the Jo 1) oWl ng condit Ions: <br />,::/.:. ;.":,,.:..,' .,.:.:......~....,:.;....'..;;. ...~.:,:.t~''-.'''''' ...~ ... <br />:;;\',;, ,':;,. 1. . Th:at ttr~:deve i op,rept ~e ~co~s't~uct,;d 'I n ,acco"iance wi t~ <br />.' <:;,. ..,. .:' ;' ,'._, '. ...,the. plans "dated Nov.emb~r ).' ~.980.... .:'~ <br />. ,:', ..,;...:: . _ . '.. >'... :._ .... .... .: . '\0;' .': .. " "'~ d.. ., :;. " '. . ' .., . <br />. ..>.-: ..: 2,: Th;it an:easemerit for access'and utility service across <br />:,.' . ':,Parcel<l i:1:.faV(}r'of,pat:'c~t,~,:beapproved by the.City and <br />.. .". ' f~.led::.with"Ram~ey County......;.... /:. ':.: "'.' .. <br /> <br />... ..., , :..,."...<.:. .:. . '.-,'. .'. . . .., .., <br />" ." " .. 3:: ," Th at the, eited or 11 ohtl ng plan he revl ewed and approved <br />. . ~..' ...~. by 'the City..,~ .... . <br /> <br />.. . .;....,t(. .. ..' .~. ,:. , . .... ,..' ... ... <br />~: >:' .'..' ", ' "',' , '. A , "That" i~" ,ff na 1 ',d ra i na ge plan ,be rev I ""ed and approved hy <br />> .... '.,' :'.,- .:'the.City;.' .,'.... ....... '. - ., . <br />: ',-.'; '.- :~..:.! .,.. .....,. .. ~,: .-: '. : .'. ::. . ..;.... ...~: .. :,. ." <br />, :: .. ,:' ',' "" 5,: ihat, the. city' sha11 have' a, final re.leW of the landscaping <br />,:'.\ '.....'plan:after. deVE1,opmentof.the property. <br />',. ' .. ..' .' :. . : " ''''.' "~".. .' . > ..' . <br /> <br />, '.", '" The spec ja 1 . u~es and varl a~ce~.111 .,p'l;.e six ""n ths from the date <br />, . of. appro veil unless<you have'. obtai. ned. a building permit and beaun <br />'. ,'cons tr,UC 1,1 on of t h edeve 10pmenf;" ,When the exterior lighting plan and <br />, . fina Fdralnage plan' are compl eted'. 'please ca 11 for an appointment to <br />, ' ',rev i "" 'them illth Hr. Howard Oah 19ren. CI ty Pl a nner, please provl de <br />. "" , oopy 'of the easement, referred to In condition 110, 2 above to the CI ty <br />for approv.l by the CIty Attorney. The fInal revl~. of the landscaping <br />...', "plan wH,l ,occur after the development has b,een completed, ' <br /> <br />Welcome' to Ros ev 111 e, and M ! 'can be of as s I s taQ ce to you I n the future, <br />. please call me.. .. <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />.' .," <br /> <br />. . ~":. . 7.1' <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />.~,;)~~..:.:' , <br /> <br />':' :, ~ :;.: <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />\. <br /> <br />. .-' <br /> <br />,'.f <br /> <br />., ~ ~ <br />~.'''~:' ~ :.. <br />,.1,;'[ .~. <br /> <br />. ,. <br />:.;.:....,-,.. <br />,~ .~ .,;,/ <br />'.~i' ~:~.;...' <br />-'~~. -~;~: . <br /> <br />~, I _ ~ .' <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />'- :. <br /> <br />,. ~ <br />;' ....~(~. I: .' .':' <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />- '. <br /> <br />-'~-~".. .~~it' <br /> <br />f.: <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />, - <br />. .~... <br />., <br /> <br />,.. <br /> <br />'{7.' <br /> <br />" <br />.:. '" <br /> <br />. :~:. ~ . <br /> <br />.,' <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />'. . <br /> <br />.. . <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br />("--'7-'" . <br /> <br />t:e.~~grl~J'~. -- <br />./ ,. <br />. ^ssi~tant City ~~nager <br /> <br />SHImp. <br />cc-Charles \lonchell <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />t.... <br /> <br />'to <br />