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<br /> <br />It <br /> <br />-e <br /> <br /> <br />. ..: ~ . <br /> <br />i. ASSOCIATES ItJC !.:;C".'ECiS li"'.J r.'r....';.!('r ".;~c~:' .~; c.';'J! ',' ..:;._"tj~:. 5:;,'.): <br /> <br />10 Oc~,)oer 1980 <br /> <br />A Professional Office Building and a ~Iotel to serve 186 guests is proposed to be <br />developed on property in Roseville, identified in Regi~tered Land Survey, No. <br />316. Owner Nr. Terry Evenson. The present property is Zoned f;-IB - The <br />Development proposal is for continuation of Zoning B-1B. <br /> <br />A. Zoning B-IB <br />Permitted uses in limited Retail Districts <br />refer to 8.279-1 all permitted uses in "B-1" Districts <br />Office Building <br />8.270-6 Motels and Hotels <br /> <br />B. <br /> <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />Spec; <br />refer 8.280-6-23 Restaurant with live entertainment A,..tO 5PTCc.-.",,) vSE <br />I'(~~"f}.,~. f=V '/"l. S i 1E I) ~ <br />Sub-div\sion <br />The proposal is divided into two parcfJs refer to R.L.S. rlo. 317 Tract B <br />(Legal Description). Parcel One is to be developed by Mr. Evenson as the <br />first Phase of Construction, with Parcel Two to foilow as quickly as <br />possible. Parcel Two is land-locked, therefor'e $pecicl easements viii I be <br />required :~ serve this $ub-division properly. <br /> <br />In compliance, four copies of the Preliminary Plan are submitted with names <br />and addresses of Land Owners wi lhi n 350 feet of the Ever~son Proper~y, pre- <br />pared Jnd certified by Abstrarc Clerk of Ramsey County. <br /> <br />D. Planned Unit Deve1opn~nt <br />The Owner is considering P.U.D. for commercial purposes permitted in the <br />C~ty. (refer to 13.150, 13.160, 13.170, 13.1~O, and 13.200.). <br /> <br />The plan of the development will conforr,1 to the mandate requirement.s. <br />Easements wi 11 be legally ident ified for access to Motel. Se::~: <br /> <br />F. Variances needed in B-1S <br /> <br />loning Code (Ch<!pter 8. Busines5 Dis~ricts.) Variances neeuecl: <br /> <br />ZVl. Chapter' 8.060 Building Height. Present Code is 3 stor':es rnaX;I:1UC1, <br />Ne(~d 'yariai1ce for a 4 story Office and 10 story 11otel-Hotel. <br /> <br />ZV2. Ch~pter 8.070 Off-street Parking requirement. Present Code is <br />8-1/2'x 20' parking spaces (plus aisles and drives). <br />N':ed variance for 50~ 8'x 16' spaces for SUb-cOlilpact cars (other 5lJ'.~, <br />at 9'.i201~or minimum of 60' for cars and driving lone. <br /> <br />.~ . .~:: ",', ,i, ~ ~.'. :-. ..", "'" ....'. ':,. .. : .~. ~.' :to, .':..: :..' ..a...~ ...., . .~:~.. :':1~\'.":,,::..~ ':,".~" ":. " <br /> <br />. . . .', / . I - - I., I .... . ..' .""".' ..' <br />. :'. .., .... .. . . . .'. . !. .' .... /.. '.': :-...,. . :'. .. ...,..:'.. ... ':.~' . <br />.... .' , .. . .. \. , ! ..' ., .. -" ' <br />,..: . ..... ,.......0 ...... " .f ., .. " ~.~ ." ......"....... ,", . '- <br />. ... . I, . I .. . \.~ . l' . 'II ., ", ". .'.. . .,' " . . '.' <br />........:.~,' .',:.' ......'.,....i. '.'..." .1. '..~'. >..::...<~.'...'.'./'.:/,'.);.>~..'';....': <br />. . . .. .. . J .", . . . .. /~::;. . . .. <br />. ... ...... . '. .'. .' '" . ., .'. .' .,... . "'~.' .,.. I' . . ......,:-....... :. ; <br />