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<br /> <br />..- , . <br /> <br />-, <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />12. For F2zoning only: <br /> <br />11. If property to be rezoned is currently zoned in b-:o or I1"Ore zoning classification, <br /> <br />set forth. th~ legal description of each such separate zoning classification. <br /> <br /> <br />B. If pror-osed rezoning Hill rezone the property into two or Irore separate zoning <br /> <br />classifications, set forth tl)e legal description of each such separate. zoning <br /> <br />classifical::i..on. <br /> <br />13. For S;:>=.."Cial Use Only: <br /> <br />A. elty L;.OO@ 8f2utit)nu\1lm)fi;~iruJ tj~i{\~, \\SQ p:;'..t:\Ri.t:. SEE ^lfAC~It:O ut::;ctn rrrON <br /> <br />14. For Vacation of Right-of-h'ay only: <br /> <br />11. A jY3tition must be submitted, signed by at least 51% of the abutting properi::}" <br /> <br />o.....ners. 'The original stateiTe.."1t in 0e r:etition should be as follol-1s: "\\'e, the <br /> <br /> <br />..u;)dersignf.c1, a,vners of at least 5196 (fifty-one p2r cent) of the property <br /> <br />abuttin'J <br /> <br />rcqu8St that this section of :t'ight-of-\'lay be vacated hecause it is no lO:1ge.r <br /> <br />of vcliue to t.~e se"eral public." <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />All prop:=rty a,.mers signing the petition shall list their address and lecJal <br /> <br />descriptjon of e1eir pro?2rty. <br /> <br />15. For Platting 0;11y: <br /> <br />1\. Nur.ber or lots <br /> <br />D. Sub-Jivision to re KnOtln as: <br /> <br />c. Engineer: Narre <br /> <br />Phone <br /> <br />D. I21~ I'lanner: Narre <br /> <br />Pho:1e <br /> <br />16. For Division of PIC1tte.J Lot only: <br /> <br />II. Separo.te l(.'gal description for each ne'.vly created lot shall b2 provided. <br />(SEE ENCLOSED INFORMATION) <br />17. For l~loci:l tion of D,'ielling only: <br /> <br />i\. 'l~,~~ 18g::11 (~~sc:c.i..ptiO.1 sl'.~ll l>.:.~ of tJ1e l<md \11=0:1 \\'hiC:1 th-=- building is to t-~ tro\'c:C.. <br /> <br />i3. 'foc ut)?licatio:1 shull Ix:: accC:"'P2J1icd by 2. \'lritten consent Clnd <1pprov<t} 0f at lc.:st <br /> <br />50~ of 018 proj:>2rt:y o.-;:1'2rs \..'ithin 250 f.:et. of the rdoc:atio:l. <br />