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<br /> <br />~. <br />@ For <br /> A. <br /> B. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />19. <br /> <br />Variance only: <br />variance is re.que.stecl frem the follaNing section of the City Cede: <br />State e;.:actly \oJhat is intended to b:; done on or \'lith the prop2rty ".;hich d02S not <br />conform 'vith the City Code: Parking will exceed by 150 feet the maximum distance <br />to the building for off-street parking and location of Restaurant-lounge Area where <br />Motel is to be built. (see additional attached information). <br />Infomation to tJ2 submitted for Cill applications except minor varia."1ce: <br />A. Application e.nd f~ <br />B. llbstractors certificate listing the NAl.!ES At'ID ADDRESSSS of thE: a,.mers of the lard <br />Hithin 250 feet of the boundaries of t.r,~ prap-~ty in question as those narres app:=ar <br />c--< ../..,{?~ ":f-..t<.- <br />on t~ne records of the Rarnsey County l\uclitor. (350 feet for rezoning c.Pl?licatio;1). <br />Hearing notices Hill be !railed to listed proferty a.-mers. <br />C. Pro;::osed Plan (2 copies) <br />D. 8~ x 11 R..cductions of the prq:::o3<:."<i plan (20 copies) <br />E. 1'7r.itten state.r.ellt by the applicant which providc:s the det01.ils of the application. <br />The stat8Irent ,,,ill l..oe given th8 Planning Carmissio:1 and City Council along \olith <br />, . <br /> <br />the City PlaIl!18r' ~ repqrt. <br />F. ~nts as required by the City Planner. <br /> <br />. ~ 0" <br /> <br />20. Application Precess: <br />1\. l>PJ?lication ard acccrrpanying dcx::urrents revie'..;ed "lith the City Staff <br />B. CarpletEd application present(.~ to City Council for referral to <br />~ission for p,~lic h~,rir.g. <br />C. Plan.'1ing Corrmission conduct.s public ikClr.\.ng, CH,:d IT.) recexmendat.iO;1 to City <br />Counci l. <br />D. City Cou;, conclucl..:s public hea...cing. <br /> <br />21. 1\ckrD.vledSerrent:. 2:11:' Signa. ture: 'toe undersigned hereby represen t.s Up0,1 all of b'12 <br /> of the la.,I, for the p'Jrp0se of in::.1l':cing the City of PDseville .to t2..<'2 <br />action herein rE.<}'.leste-J, that 01.11 stCtten'ents IW1:ein are tD.':e il!,d tl1at all ,.:ork he:::ein <br />n~ntio,,;x1 \olill be done in :!Ccord.:m(.'~ \.;ith Uk: O;:(1in,mces of t.he City o~ Sos'2vi.lle 2.I1U <br />thi2 LI':l5 of tJ1C~ St2te of i.tirU1eso~,. <br /> <br />D.:\ te : <br /> <br />/()~ /f'~t) <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />Sit;nG.turc ' <br /> <br />~, ~~/~~&h4A.~' <br />T.ll:J:~ ~j~ <br />_.----€-.:!3../.#~ ) v~. <br />~~~J'J)r~) <br />