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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 22, 2014 <br /> Page 13 <br /> incorporated into those packets, and available online or through other avenues to <br /> be efficient and cost-effective to create and periodically update as indicated. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted the need to provide a ready resource of City con- <br /> tact information for residents. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the use of the NextDoor forum, recognizing he had observed <br /> several occasions where there were reports of criminal activity, but the Police De- <br /> partment was not advised in the effort to maintain the distinction between those <br /> using that forum and what the City is aware of. Mayor Roe asked staff to consid- <br /> er if there was an option for items that should be forwarded to the City and/or Po- <br /> lice Department to alert them to what was occurring in a neighborhood. Mayor <br /> Roe reiterated the need to respect their ability to communicate as residents with- <br /> out the City monitoring everything going on. <br /> Mr. Bowman acknowledged that there was distinct difference in what residents <br /> were posting and what the City could or should see, noting that the Community <br /> Engagement Commission was very connected to NextDoor, and he would bring <br /> that up with them at their next meeting. Mr. Bowman suggested there may be a <br /> checkbox feature that could provide the City with information as and when ap- <br /> propriate. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Bowman advised that the City News was deliv- <br /> ered in bulk to strip malls and multi-tenant buildings,but should be going to every <br /> Roseville address. Mr. Bowman advised that concerted efforts were being made <br /> to communicate with businesses in the community, with the expanded newsletter <br /> featuring a"Business News"page to be debuted in the November/December 2014 <br /> issue. <br /> Specific to the social media policy being developed for internal use by department <br /> staff, Mayor Roe suggested that affiliated groups (e.g. baseball associations) and <br /> other groups having connection with the City, as well as advisory commissions <br /> and other volunteer groups, also need to be made aware of the policy, since the <br /> City's "one voice" extends beyond the walls of City Hall. <br /> As changes in funding for communications efforts may change in the future, <br /> Mayor Roe suggested future consideration and policy discussions regarding po- <br /> tential advertising in the newsletter as a revenue source and to supplement costs. <br /> Mr. Bowman thanked the City Council for hearing this update, and stated that <br /> while there was a long way to go, good first steps had been made. <br /> 15. City Manager Future Agenda Review <br /> Upcoming agenda items and their preliminary assignment dates were distributed and re- <br /> viewed. <br />