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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, September 22, 2014 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Communications Manager Garry Bowman provided an update of accomplish- <br /> ments during his first nine-plus months of employment with the City of Roseville <br /> (Attachment A). Mr. Bowman's presentation highlighted three areas: internal <br /> communications, increased emphasis and use of social media, and enhanced ex- <br /> ternal communications. <br /> In concluding his presentation, Mr. Bowman addressed some items planned going <br /> forward, including working with the HRA for a city-wide consistent <br /> style/graphics identity, continued promotion of the Parks and Recreation Renewal <br /> Program and projects, and the upcoming OVAL opening, OVALumination and <br /> additional winter events and initiatives, through cooperative partnering with the <br /> Roseville Visitor's Association (RVA). Mr. Bowman advised that he would also <br /> be working on communication efforts for crisis/media management, and increased <br /> use of digital video internally and with C-TV. <br /> Discussion included areas now being addressed as they were aligned by under the <br /> administration/communications umbrella and benefits being evidenced; website <br /> testing and parties involved in providing feedback beyond employees and Coun- <br /> cilmembers that includes advisory commissioners and several professional com- <br /> municators within the Roseville community providing technical input, each <br /> providing a wide variety of user abilities. <br /> Mr. Bowman assured Councilmembers that the Community Engagement Com- <br /> mission had provided many opportunities for feedback through their subcommit- <br /> tee; with the entire commission kept abreast of ongoing meetings and develop- <br /> ments. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon noted that the Commission would be doing additional <br /> work for the online portal involving community engagement; with Mr. Bowman <br /> adding that the Commission was providing critical input to the community en- <br /> gagement modules and working on their recommendations and potential firms to <br /> work with, anticipating their recommendation would be forthcoming to the City <br /> Council in the next few months. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte expressed her appreciation of the community survey re- <br /> sults being recognized as the City News newsletter was being expanded and up- <br /> dated; and questioned if there were other ways or tools available to communicate <br /> with seniors in the community. <br /> Mr. Bowman advised that the Community Engagement Commission would be <br /> addressing that soon, to determine avenues beyond the expanded newsletter. <br /> Additional discussion included the current "Welcome" packets and how to re- <br /> vamp it but still provide a one page informational sheet that had previously been <br />