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<br />9. Director. The term "director" shall mean the director of the Policy and Planning <br />Division of the agency. <br /> <br />B. The Permit Authorized <br /> <br />This permit authorizes the first and/or second permittees to construct the project, as <br />described above, including associated parking spaces, subject to receipt of authorization of <br />construction fi'om the second permittee, and subject to any limitations and/or additional <br />requirements contained in the Special Conditions and General Conditions below. <br /> <br />C. Certain Roadway Construction Prohibited <br /> <br />This permit does not authorize construction of any additional roadways needed for the <br />project that would otherwise require a separate ISP. <br /> <br />D. Exhibits and Plans <br /> <br />Exhibits and plans that further describe the project are included with the information <br />submitted to the agency in support of the ISP application. That information includes: <br /> <br />1. a letter fi'om Susan D. Steinwall of Fredrikson & Byron, P.A., on behalf of the first <br />permittee, to Innocent Eyoh, of the agency, containing the ISP application for the <br />project, dated February 12, 1997; <br /> <br />2. a letter fi'om James Benshoof of Benshoof & Associates, Inc., on behalf of Everest <br />Development Inc., to Mr. Eyoh, containing a draft list of transportation issues <br />regarding the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) for the project, dated <br />February 10,1997; <br /> <br />3. a letter fi'om Darryl Shoemaker of Braun Intertec, on behalf of the first permittee, to <br />David Thornton of the agency, containing the summary of noise monitoring and <br />modeling report for the project, received March 10, 1997; <br /> <br />4. a facsimile fi'om Jeannene Krone of RLK Associates, Ltd., to Mr. Eyoh, containing <br />additional background information on the project, received March 13, 1997; <br /> <br />5. a letter fi'om Kent Carlson, on behalf of the first permittee, to Mr. Eyoh, containing an <br />addendum to the previously submitted ISP, and a revised traffic impact study fi'om <br />BRW, Inc.; dated March 31,1997; <br /> <br />6. a letter fi'om Dennis Welsch, on behalf of the second permittee, to Mr. Eyoh, <br />containing a resolution fi'om the second permittee's City Council, issuing a negative <br />Declaration Decision on the need for an Environmental Impact Statement for the <br />project, dated March 27, 1997; <br /> <br />4 <br />