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PO <br />OLICYBJECTIVE <br />29 <br />City Code enforcement is a key tool to preserving high-quality residential neighborhoods. Both <br />30 <br />Imagine Roseville 2025 and the City’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan support code enforcement as a means <br />31 <br />by which to achieve neighborhood stability. The Housing section of Imagine Roseville suggests that the <br />32 <br />City “implement programs to ensure safe and well-maintained properties.” In addition, the Land Use <br />33 <br />chapter (Chapter 3) and the Housing and Neighborhoods chapter (Chapter 6) of the Comprehensive <br />34 <br />Plan support the City’s efforts to maintain livability of the City’s residential neighborhoods with <br />35 <br />specific policies related to property maintenance and code compliance. Policy 6.1 of Chapter 3 states <br />36 <br />that the City should promote maintenance and reinvestment in housing and Policy 2.6 of Chapter 6 <br />37 <br />guides the City to use code-compliance activities as one method to prevent neighborhood decline. <br />38 <br />FI <br />INANCIALMPACTS <br />39 <br />The issuance of a Ramsey County Court Citation would involve no monetary outlays by the City as the <br />40 <br />prosecuting attorney handles these cases as part of their contract. <br />41 <br />SR <br />TAFF ECOMMENDATION <br />42 <br />Staff recommends that the Council direct Community Development staff to issue a Ramsey County <br />43 <br />Court Citation to the property owner in order to allow for due process to determine if the property <br />44 <br />owner can remain in this home. <br />45 <br />RCA <br />EQUESTEDOUNCILCTION <br />46 <br />Direct Community Development staff to issue a Ramsey County Court Citation to the property owner <br />47 <br />in order to allow for due process to determine if the property owner can remain in this home. <br />48 <br />49 <br />Prepared by: Don Munson, Permit Coordinator <br />Attachments: A: Map of 2026 Asbury <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />