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12/9/2004 7:03:30 AM
Planning Files
Planning Files - Planning File #
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Planned Unit Development
Heritage Realty Management
Date Final City Council Action
Planning Files - Ordinance #
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<br />A. Police Department: Police records, submitted by Tom Alleva, Roseville Assistant <br />Police Chief, indicate that during the 18-month period from January 1, 1999 <br />through May 29, 2000, there was a total of nine police calls (and 11 false <br />alarms). According to Assistant Chief Alleva, during this time period there were <br />no significant calls made to Taco Bell by the Department. <br /> <br />B. Land Use Code Complaints: No land use complaints were received after the <br />opening of the new Taco Bell. <br /> <br />2.4 Given the findings (no police or land use complaints), staff recommended that no <br />amendment be made to PUD #1199 modifying the Taco Bells hours of operation. <br /> <br />2.5 For the current application, staff requested a list of the number of police calls to the Taco <br />Bell property from January 1,2000 to January 31,2001. After review, staff concluded <br />that there were a total of24 incidents on the property, 14 (64%) of which were related to <br />the building alarm. The remaining incidents were split between two follow-up calls, two <br />public assistance, one vehicle lockout, one fire, one DWI, one theft by check, one <br />transport, and one leaving the scene of accident. <br /> <br />2.6 In discussions with the Police Department, it was determined that none of the incidents <br />(police responses) at Taco Bell were associated with the drive-thru or due to the hours of <br />operation and that the police do not have any particular issue with Taco Bell. <br /> <br />2.7 The Taco Bell is adjacent to two major roadways that carry 24-hour pass through traffic. <br />Lexington Avenue traverses the City in a north south direction, while Larpenteur Avenue <br />traverses the City in an east west direction. Both roads have a functional classification of <br />High Density Arterial and are not "local" roadways. <br /> <br />3.0 JHIITS'IOJRY - SllGNAGE <br /> <br />3.1 Taco Bell signage for PUD # 1199 was discussed at length with the Council approving <br />facade signage at 10% of the area of the south building wall along Larpenteur A venue <br />and 10% of the west building wall up to 200 square feet. <br /> <br />3.2 In 1998 Taco Bell installed two signs (one facing west and one facing south) that are <br />approximately 20 square feet in size (40 square feet total). The site does not have a pylon <br />or monument sign and is not included on the Roseville Center signs. <br /> <br />3.3 Staff interpretation of the PUD is to limit signage to the south and west sides of the <br />facade. <br /> <br />3.4 The pylon sign placed along Lexington Avenue stands 25 feet in height and lies <br />approximately five feet west of the property line, consistent with the former sign. <br />However, upon completion, Border Foods discovered that the new "center", and existi::1g <br />tree, and streetscape improvements, including trees, monuments, and bus/transit shelter, <br />obscures the view of the Taco Bell as one travels south. <br /> <br />PF3290 - RCA (031201) Taco Bell PUD Amendment Page 2 of 4 <br /> <br />-.-'....l- -- <br />
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