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<br /> <br />June 28, 2001 <br /> <br />Mr. Tyler D. Clements <br />Real Estate - Site Acquisition <br />426 N. Fairview Ave., Rm 101 <br />St. Paul, MN 55104 <br /> <br />RE: Requestfor Conditional Use Permit at 2335 Dale Street <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Clements: <br /> <br />The purpose of this letter is to confirm that on June 26, 2001, the Roseville City Council <br />approved your request for a Conditional Use Permit to install a 6O-foot tall PCS monopole and <br />affiliated equipment area in the southwest corner of Roseville Fires Station #3, at 2335 Dale <br />Street, by the following action: <br /> <br />Adoption of a resolution approving the request by Qwest Wireless for a Conditional Use <br />Permit to allow the installation of a 60-foot tall monopole with one cylinder antenna and <br />associated equipment cabinets, based on the information indicated in Section 4 and 5 and <br />the conditions in Section 6 of the project report dated June 26,2001. <br /> <br />The conditions, as outlined in the project report, are: <br /> <br />1. The maximum height above grade at the monopole base may be up to 60 feet. One <br />antenna cylinder of the size and pole location specified in the application may be <br />installed on the monopole. <br /> <br />2. The equipment cabinets must be erected adjacent to the monopole in the location <br />specified in the application and must not exceed 10 feet by 20 feet or 200 square feet <br />in size and shall not exceed 10 feet in heif!ht. All utility wires or lines leading to the <br />monopole from the equipment shelter must be buried. <br /> <br />3. The area surrounding the equipment shelter and monopole must be screened with <br />either afence and/or landscaping. Iflandscaping is selected, plant material must be <br />installed on the south, west, east sides of monopole/equipment area at a minimum <br />height offivefeet (except accent shrubs); 75% of this plant screen must be <br />coniferous. A complete landscape plan must be prepared as part of the building <br />permit application and approved by the City prior to issuance of the building permit. <br /> <br />2660 Civic Center Drive .:. Roseville .:. Minnesota .:. 55113 <br />651-490-2200.:. TDD 651-490-2207 .:. <br />