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<br />pennit both the Lessee and the Lessor to utilize the tower for their respective needs and color of <br />which shan be in UPS brown with a Unipak antenna system at the top of said tower; <br /> <br />Gground space comprising 00 ef-approximately two thousand five hundred (2,500} (50 x <br />50) usable square feet, the exact amount to be fixed by parties and described on Exhibit~ "13" and <br />"C"A~, non-exclusive easements required to run utility lines and cables, and a non-exclusive <br />easement across Owner's Property for access to the Leased Premises. <br />J-.. <br /> <br />4: 1. No other space or property interests are being leased to the Lessee except as <br />described as above and as described on Exhibit "B"A. <br /> <br />3. Term/Renewals. <br /> <br />a)~ The term of this lease shall be .fi.v&-ten QQ~) years commencing on <br />the (the "Commencement Date") and ending on , subject to the <br />terms of paragraph 16. The Commencement Date may be extended until the equipment listed in <br />Exhibit "C" is installed, provided that the Commencement Date shall not be extended past <br />in any event. Lessee shall have the right to extend this Lease for two (2) <br />additional fWe-teil(lQ~) year terms ("Renewal Term "). The Renewal Term shall be on the same <br />terms and conditions as set forth herein. Lessee shall have elected to rene\y this Lease for a <br />Renewal Tenn unless it gives Owner written notice of its intention not to rene\.\' at lease sixty <br />(60) days prior to the expiration of the term. <br /> <br />9)This Lease shall automatically be renewed for ooe-the aforementioned renewal <br />term~ unless one of the following events occurs: (1) Lessee notifies the Owner of its intention <br />not to renew the Lease at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the 120 day term; or (2) <br />Lessee is in default of any of the terms or conditions of the Lease. <br /> <br />d1(Ql The "Commencement Date" shall be the date on which Lessee requires <br />entry onto the Property to commence installation of the Antenna Facilities described in <br />Paragraph 5 below. <br /> <br />4. Rent. <br /> <br />a)~ On the Commencement Date, the Lessee shall pay Owner, as monthly <br />rent, the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ( )($600.00)Dol1ars based upon Lessee's <br />installation as shown on Exhibit B. If __________ ____ terminates this lease during <br />the initial or second term for ~my reason other than to enter into another lease agreement with the <br />City regarding the leased premises, the City shall not be obligated to retum any portion of the <br />lease payments. <br /> <br />9)D2L-The Rent shall be increased annually by an amount equal to five (5%) <br /> <br />percent~. <br /> <br />83831 <br /> <br />2 <br />