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<br />8. Requd.redl ]Projperty i())wlI1ler Notnce: State Law requires published notice in a city's local paper a <br />minimum of 10 days prior to a public hearing. State law also requires notice be mailed to <br />property owners within 350 ofthe effected property. Both notices are prepared by the City of <br />Roseville; however, the applicant is responsible for providing the City with a certified list, <br />including two sets of mailing address labels of adjacent property owners within 350 feet of the <br />subject property. A.jpjpllk~lI1lt~ fin~ve tfinree ojptfiolI1l~ ~v~nn~!bne to o!bt~nlI1l t!hie <br />certifnedl/~lb~tr~ctor'~ lln~t. 'ffine ifnnt ojptnolI1l n~ to requnest tfine nlI1lformation from Ramsey <br /><COUJilllry ]Projperty Recordls; tfine ~eCOl!lltrll ojptiorrn is to req1lJJe~t tfine firrnformaHon from a Titlle <br /><Comjp~rrny; or tfine tfinfirtrll ojptnorrn fis to req1lJJest tfine nlI1lform~tnorrn from nile CUy. Each option has a <br />specific charge for the list and labels. If selecting the City, the ~J!DJ!Dllllc~lI1lt must mark the fnmt <br />~.... ~.' of.tlhfi~ ~jpjpllk~tiolI1l and pay the appropriate fee at the time of application submittal. <br /> <br />;.- . <br /> <br />9. ExceiPt..~~ lI1lotetrll, tfine follllowfilI1l1! filI1lform~tfiolI1l m1lJJst !be s1lJJ!bmfittetrll wntfin tiffins aJDlPllkatiol!1ls: <br /> <br />A.. NaIrr~tive: A. wrfitterrn rrn~Irr~tllve,firrn ~unJ!DJ!Dort of ~ v~ri~lI1lce ~J!DJ!DnicatiolI1l, nlI1ll11lecessary. <br />'fhis n~Irr~tive s]ffiounlldl funlllly eXJ!Dn~ilI1l tfine 66]ffi~rtrllsfinijp(~)99 tfin~t jllJistfify the departure from <br />t!he ~trkt ~lPlPllllc~tiorrn of tfine <Cotrlle. 'ffine term 66fin~rtrllsfinnlP99 or 66umdue hardship'? <br />tYjpk~nlly re1fer~ to jpfiny~k~ll cfin~r~cteristfics off tfine IProlPerty, sundin as shape, soU <br />comJ!fitfiolI1ls, or extreme tOJ!Dogr~lPfiny. Nefit!hier mere nlI1lcoIJ1lvelI1lfielI1lce, nor reduction lllI1l <br />v~ll1lJJe ~llOlI1le, is sunififncfierrnt to junstllfy ~ v~rfi~rrnce. 'ffine irrn~!bfillity to jpllit property to nts <br />highest ~JI1li[ll !best 1lJJ~e is rrnot cOIJ1lsitrlleretrll ~ h~rtrllsfinilP or IPr~dic~ll dnfficullty. The <br />IProlbllem th~t junstifne~ t!hie vari~lI1lce munst !be c~llJisetrll !by cOII1ld1Ufii!J)lI1ls Ibeyomll the ~ontroll <br />of the ~lPlPllfic~lI1lt. 'fllne ~lPlPllk~lI1lt C~IJ1llI1lot cre~te tllne cOlI1ltrllfitiolI1l that requires the <br />y~rialI1lce. <br /> <br />R ]Projposetrlljpll~rrns (HD cOlP'ies) ilI1lcll1lJJtrllfirrng site IPll~II1l, ll~lI1ltrllsc~lP'e IP'll~lI1l, grad/hug ~1I1ld/4dll'ain~ge <br />IP'll~n, '~lI1ltrll externor !bunfilltrlliIJ1lg ellev~tiolI1l trllr~wilI1lgs sfinownlI1lg !buihllilI1lg materials is <br />requiretrll.' S1lJJch trlluwings sh~llll !be 3-lIZ"xU" or U lid 7"or JPDF digUall format. <br /> <br />HD. A.ppllkatnolI1l Proces~: A completed application, applicable fee(s), and all accompanying <br />documents are to be submitted for review by the Development Review Committee (DRC). <br /> <br />U. 'felI1lt~tllve A.ctnorrn JProces~: All applications are reviewed by the Development Review <br />Committee for completeness and an applicant is notified in writing by mail, e-mail, or fax within <br />10 calendar days after an application is submitted. All accepted applications will be forwarded to <br />the Roseville Planning Commission for consideration. <br /> <br />Att~chedl n~ tllne telI1lt~tive ~chetrll1lJJlle for ]Pll~lI1llI1lilI1lg <Commi~sioIJ1l cOII1l~llir!ler~til[m ~lI1ltrll Cfity <Counrrncfill <br />A.ctnolI1l, ~s wellll ~s other trlle~trllllnlI1le~. <br /> <br />u. SnglI1l~t1lJJre: The above statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. <br /> <br />~nglI1l~t1lJJre: ~ ~. ~ ]])~te ~-r-~c/ <br />. <br /> <br />PholI1le #: &S-{- t.{qo -QqS-7 ' <br />Fax #: to l ;L - en (0 7 "-1. 31 a... <br />!E-mail Address:Stev.f-vt.(.MA.rL1e.Lti1WelLsr~o .WJIi<( <br /> <br />Page 2 of2 <br />