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<br />Mr. D. Welsch <br />December 11, 2001 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />In Item No. 16 of the EA W there is the discussion of erosion and sedimentation. Since <br />large rains can still cause a great deal of damage to the water resources downstream of this site, <br />erosion control should consist of elements or methods in addition to sediment fences. The <br />primary erosion control methods should rely on erosion control blankets, and mulch and seed <br />that are placed on exposed soils where no work is planned for more than two weeks. <br /> <br />Water quality and surface water runoff are addressed in Item No. 17. We note that the <br />proposed building site wj1l have more than the City of Roseville's requirement of 25% for green <br />space. Efforts should still be made to reduce the amount of stor.mwater that will runoff from the <br />site. These efforts may include reducing impervious surfaces, using rain gardens, llsing swales <br />to convey sronnwarer, using infiltration tcchniquc:;. cmd using a fro5t ripper to 1005(:11 compacted <br />soils before they are planted to pennanent vegetation. <br /> <br />Thank you for the opportunity to review this project and the EA W. The project does not <br />require preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) base:d on natural resource <br />impacts or considerations. We look forward to receiving your record of decision and responses <br />to comments at the conclusion of environmental review. Minnesota Rules part 4410.1700, <br />subparts 4 and 5, require you to send us your Record of Decision withi.n five days of deciding on <br />this action. <br /> <br />If you have questions about this letter or these COlID11ents, please contact me a.t (651) 296- <br /> <br />4790. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br /> <br />Charlotte W. Cohn, Environmental Planner <br />Environmental Policy and'Review Section <br />Office of Management and Budget Services <br /> <br />Attachment <br />c: Kathleen Wallace <br />Steve Colvin <br />Wayne Barstad <br />Joe Oschwald <br />Joe Richter <br />Rebecca A. Wooden <br />Jon Larsen, EQB <br />Dan P. Stinnett, USFWS <br />Rick Kuula, Centre Pointe Solutions (Solutia Consulting) <br /> <br />#20010543-0003 <br />CENTRE P01N'fE. BUSIN8SS f.!'\RK-CENTRE POLNTE SOLUTIONS SAw.OOC <br /> <br />,...,.... I <br /> <br />~h.AT T~~7 TT ~~n <br /> <br />.....r-.^"r7Trr\. vn I <br />