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<br />,~' <br /> <br />EXlIl13I'l' 13-1 <br /> <br />/'/(UI'[I{ IY VESCIU/'llON <br /> <br />(Uverall desCI"iptiotl of IJI'OIH?I'ty Lo he pluLted as <br />CEN litE PUIN J [ UUSlNCSS PA/{K) <br /> <br />II! J l P CI rl () r l II l! II 0 r lIr e a stOll iJ rl e I' 0 r See l i 0 II !j. T ()\'/fI s II i fJ 2!J , <br />niln9<! 2:1, Hi1I11Sf?Y Count.y, l-Ilnl1esota, \ih leh 1 ies c\1sler'/y of till:! <br />CdS L e r I y 1 i /I e 0 r lilt e 1- s La leI/ i y 11\1 iJ Y 110. 3 ~ H . <br /> <br />I\nd <br /> <br />Tllill Pi1,.t of the Southeast f]ul'wLer {5E 1/4) of Scct10tl fIve (5J. <br />101'11l5111p ll'lcnl.Y-lIirac (29). HilIlYC! twellty-thrce (23), I'lldcll lies <br />OIlC lIulIlh'cLI (IUU) feel EasLerly of the followillg desc,'iued lille: <br /> <br />f1enillllil1g "L iJ point 011 lhe Soulh lIne of said Section five (5), <br />dlslant fOUI- lIuraJn'!J eiyhly iJlld lI-w lentils (<1UO.2) fueL Hesl <br />of Llle Soutlleils l CUI-lIe,- lhen~of; thellce nil) NOI-lhHes le,'Ij' iJ t <br />iJn ong 1 e 0 f seve II ty-s i X dC9rec~ LI'/CI1 Lj'..e 1911 t nil nu Lcs (760 213 I ) <br />willi silld Suuth secliun line ((H- nine hundred cigllty-lIu'ee illld <br />eighty-five 1lIlIldl"edlhs (9UJ.US) feet; Lhence deflect lo the rl~llJl <br />(It. a zero dcUree forly-five IlIinuLcs (UO tl!';') CUrVQ (dcHa'iHlylc <br />lI'/nlvl:! deyrees fifly-one millutes fifty-eight secunds) (120 51' <br />5lJ") fo" Olll~ thousalld seven hUIlt/reo f I (teen and forty-e j yh l <br />hUlloretlLlls (1l15.4U) feel itnd lhere lerlllilll1ling which J ies NurLlI- <br />el'ly of the following described.Jlne: <br /> <br />f!eginnillg ill .1 poinl 011 the East line of scJld Sectioll five (5), <br />distant 011(' LllOusallC.J sevCII hum.ll-cu sixty-five (17G!j) fuul Nodlt <br />uf llle SO\lllll~ilS l curnel- lllel"euf: thence run We:. tel' 1y (1 t ri 911 t <br />1I n q Ie S \'1 i L h :..1 i cJ [ il S t. s e clio n 1 i n c r 0 r l/ II' C e hUll d r c J for l y - f i v c <br />( 3115 ) red; L 11 e II C e de fIe ct lo I.III~ 1 e f l i1 t a II it II 9 1 e 0 f l h i I' l Y <br />de~ln~cs CWO) r 01- five lIulld"f'd (5UO) (CI? t and term j 11<.1 t1 n~f. <br />[XC(~pt lhe East forty ([ 40) feet lhereuf laken for CleveJallJ <br />Avenue; <br /> <br />(III iJccordill~1 to the U.S. Govcrrllllcllt Survey lllereof ,Hid siluate <br />ill Hallisey Coullly, Stille of NillllesoLi.l. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />_.....,..v_. _ _ . <br /> <br />:H\ <br /> <br />~4'var.3hi I i tv <br /> <br />.. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . <br /> <br />:! <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />f <br />f <br />f <br />j <br />! <br />i <br />f <br />f <br />I <br />i <br />t <br /> <br />i <br />;. <br />; <br />1 <br />t <br />I <br />I <br />f <br />,. <br />I <br />i <br />[. <br />! <br />! <br />r <br />I <br />i <br />r. <br />I <br />i. <br />i <br />;: . <br />r <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />I' <br />t. <br />r;' <br />f.. <br /> <br />j <br />,. <br /> <br />::> <br /> <br />,- <br />