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<br />This secLor. <br />permitted I.; <br />dupJex). <br /> <br />does <br /> <br />not ;:;.110..... <br /> <br />!.hE' <br /> <br />'\Jr';:.:n-ai:- <br /> <br />:.:rj l:-'g <br /> <br />of C'io\:~es'... <br /> <br />Shan not <br /> <br />be <br />and <br /> <br /> <br />Implementati;:m of Design Standards Changes <br /> <br />Pa:gf: 5 <br /> <br />Resid~ntiai Dist:-tcts ;=G:1~\j. <br /> <br />7~170. i'=;ene;--a1 LH:;r~tin~ :':;,j~~:;c~~:::'. ,-::~.~: <br /> <br />.A.r.y <br />sha !l <br /> <br />ilh..!::)jn3tion, d~~~i.~~t'G tc '._ <br /> <br />not h~c."': b(3:D;-!...~ the ~~i <br /> <br />,~, . <br /> <br />;~1 t::;- '~~::-je;;-...~:;s~:.~ ;;'""'i 8.1;) <br /> <br />:-9sidentl3: <br /> <br />dIstrict <br /> <br />, ~ <br /> <br />: l'-.t;S <br /> <br />.'.;:if':::~ 1 .~. ;:::: :OCateJ. <br /> <br />7.250. Lirr.~ta' or: 01: L,.;pe:-:-......:;' '_'~ -. .,,~ (:: ,:=-icthe::. .PcS2 '''~ <br /> <br />dO) <br /> <br />dist:'"lct <br /> <br />~\.:'~;1! <br /> <br />" ' <br />, . -.~ <br /> <br />.37:;j <br /> <br />. ,-- <br /> <br />~)js~:icts <br /> <br />- . .. ". <br />:;jf)91e-i:-:;m!ly <br /> <br />7.900. Per!"T'utted Ust?s in \'1ah!le '-;::',~-!e :)l.s~:-~ct~.. Pa~e -;;),' <br /> <br />Sectio~ 7.900 through "7.990 hi ~i seT it~::: Gf devp lO;:F:!eilt sta!ldards e~tab1ished <br />for mobile home pa;-ks ;R.-8\ Since it \..<J\~ld be extr2.':1ely difficult to deveJop <br />a n?~' :'nobile hCf;ie pdrk in L~l)$0,,,'ilie u.~.:JcY~ thus, the de.\'elcpment standard <br />enumerated irl this s~cLicn ~"iiil ;;ot :.:e re\'i~,.",'ed.. <br /> <br />Business Districts <br /> <br />B.090, Surffocing of Pa::':in'} ,\rea~. Pag!.' <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />'-his section reQU:ifeS that " ;Jar~:.;;~.; cH'C.::~ $hail be :;u!'f~ced \.vit.h asphalt <br />or concr~tp., and with pefJn~!1e!lt C:CL1cr~Z.t' cur~)s to def;ne dr~veways And <br />parking iimits. P~ans anc speciiicatiQns ;or ;:\3fking areas shaH be filed with <br />the Inspection SupGri"lendf:nt and C1p;:>roved h T)j'n prior to construction". <br /> <br />8.i~O. !)rama,g~ ,1f Par"'lng.1"reas,P;,'~e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />"Ot fstreet parking a:'~as -,':ai' <br />surf~':e water. Drainage Ol03riS <br />Works Director." <br /> <br />.' so graded a~d <br />~.;hdli ~:>~ $;..:b:f>-r~t te <br /> <br />drain~d to di'5pose :Jf aU <br />the approval ::!i the Pub!;;:: <br /> <br />8.110.. !\ng of PRr:":HS-.:~I.S.~. .r.':J,-~f" -i <br /> <br /> <br />Ught:ng l.L:;t:J ~t~ <br />as to defier:t the :;,)1i: <br /> <br />i:i;1'::Uli,t-,-, ~~~f$tr~"'t:~ ;~;";;":jlj~ nrt:~;4::; $h~.d~ :)C so ariaT1ge~: <br />:3'.\.-' c', ~ ".1" ~...; :.~ ~.t':>:I.~ P:l~P!-.;:.t~" !T1 :t."";)~iGentidi USP'..H <br /> <br />8.1.:0. SCt?-.~_~~ ~~;tJ ~~::!...r~:~~~~.~!_~~~i~::~:.~2:.L~~d$.. ~;'al]~ ~ <br /> <br />This s~Ltio~'i :-f~..~:n~'t:s <br />shan be ~ffecti\~~l." <br />C'C);';pact hedg" ,;" ,:,[' <br />f;-O:11 il pi'0pf:r~' c <br />:-;"';IJst be ;1f" .)-(0" CI.: : \ <br /> <br />~ti;1i ~~;;r;"J."_~ ;i;-~:<~;,-:' '~::n-i1"I,-~ :~~ore thBL S!, p3ri-.:in~ ~i' f~S <br />S..::".:~t~;"f'..! \.,-I,~ '1. fcncf~ .,Ji .~('cei-'t,lh~e dCSJ<]i1. 0;' <br />~)~: ';;:l:,':: ~..~:i:~': .:h~.:...iP; i..':- rt"~ jilecU~ aC:-;,)$S the ..... "'c'el <br /> <br />;-':~;.}" : I! ; ~ <br /> <br />- "-1"' <br /> <br />; r!~ti tut 1;]:'1;.1: <br /> <br />_1..,_,. <br /> <br />~'L:'1;rs !oJr f'=I~'<!")~ <br /> <br />t ~i:~ <br /> <br />,..-..: <br /> <br />:~~J: ;:;':--. ,~. ~ t.'; !l1C"1 t. <br /> <br />8..1 <;0. ~~iiC~~~~_~:'__....:~~':.:.:"J_t..::~_~~~\: -_I~ .~;.~~~~ -:1:.~:~'C; ; a ;-\~ .;{" <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~':\ij ;)US'ilt.---'~ S:;):',)::f~. ~:"'-:-r\ !':"J-~, ~'~"I"'" '___. i:ii,l(("S~i!h__..'a Dr 'T~('r.~~1a!)JJ;..:n9 ,.,~.;pla~ <br />$ha~l i_)t" L;)1JdIJC'tt~~i \"\'\1;i, ,~::!.'-.j:', '1~.:i~~I,'C ;,~;:t.~l,',;'a '.'i >(:~-:iii~: d 3\1~; ~cr'iCC <br />