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<br />I,npIementalioll of Design Standar-ds Changes <br /> <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />riot ~~S$ <br />IJfft;rin~ <br />lO:jd~ng..u <br /> <br />:~Gr; <br /> <br />f :'0' E: <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />fee: ;~:.:~) '..X2t-:;::~ <br /> <br />SC':-\ :Cf":.:: ;,,::::=,,-;cU ~ <br /> <br />f~l <br /> <br />'....~::::. C:.::: ~ :":,1,.' <br /> <br />..,... <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />: ~'. ~ <br /> <br />. . ~ '. ~-' - : <br /> <br />t~. ;:;e <br /> <br />snaGS <br /> <br />to <br /> <br />". ,~, <br />l. !...:~ ~ . _ ; .:;, <br /> <br />,,:f -;: p -..::..-.. <br />L . ~ " _' L <br /> <br />,,~. -'.' <br /> <br />;:-1n...: <br /> <br />8..::0.. [";;Jff~r /~orH:: 3e~,"'2e-:1 :,-:-.;S;:JE:S$ 2~;.-"': f::esl,je:!cf' <br /> <br />.~ .....-. ~ ,.,-,.. <br /> <br />, '. <br /> <br />This <br /> <br />sp.ct.on lequ~r2's :hat <br /> <br />1:"1, <br /> <br />fDot <br /> <br />',... ~::~ <br /> <br />;'i,)tec~:\"p. <br /> <br />ELf i:-'. <br /> <br />..~c< <br /> <br />....sej <br /> <br />foZ' <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />b:.ii;.~ina. pa:-~!!lg. 01 offst:e-::-t l03:ji:--1; s~~I~ ~~e ~1;C\' ;.,":(~:.: ...-," ~'~~..:~-~?:,::.s pr-:;'pt:it~~ <br />cant ;gUC.U$ ~Q a feS~0enc~ d:strict.. The 22nds;:-a~)e ;::!"e2~:::f"!",: .~ tl: ~n::-l;..:r::e a <br />CG~:p2Ct s~ree(' .'ia~i or fence subjt~t tc- a;;;::::-::\ a. "~~") ~-~>.H.t. .23 <br />leil1i~ H1 ha:-:'T"1()IJ; ,.....i~r: :-e:;idt:otia! neighbo:-hvo:.: 3;"::: ;::-::;;;:,::;:'; s~ff!c~ef)t <br />screenjr:s; of lohe co:y:me,cia; are{=;.. The hcd~e ;Ji ferl.~e shG;; ~~. pc 1e:2s th:;n <br />t; nor r":10fe than 6-L/2 ;eet j;J h;;iS,1t". <br /> <br />8.290. ~cicl 7.'~ini0.ju"l: :::eq~;=-~:-ner;:s for S-lB <br /> <br />Q1St;-lC~S~ <br /> <br />'Pa~c' <br /> <br />-+-....;. <br /> <br />This sect!on e3tablishes a ser;es Gi "3GG:tio::ai :r;in!:l'H...!-:-: ;-'~.:ut -,-- '_ .-it5!f ~D a!)~.i) <br />~G ltte 8-:8 Dist:ict.. includin~~: <br /> <br />.I~. Tnere shall :.::e no e'(tei~ar .storage c:- exterior ..:i5~1.~', =f il;tr:hanG;$e.. <br /> <br />5. <br /> <br />Ali huiijings shail ~'e <br /> <br />fin;shed <br /> <br />,.... - , <br />o~! 3l: rOt.:!" SilJE:' <br /> <br />'~v ~ t~ <br /> <br />cr~r~Si.stef1~ <br /> <br />c:u.:;,iit\<. <br /> <br />6. <br /> <br />Three pe:rc:ent of the s\Jrface a:;ea of :3i1C \'.iitrti:: <br />je ial~dscaped ;,.,:th '~;-~S$ G.nd!e,;- dec'Ji::.~i\;p. SU~f3C~ <br />shrub~ery . <br /> <br />~i ;1a~~:ing area ~ha.E <br /> <br />~r(!~t:': te:lt! trees a.""id <br /> <br />Si:.~ ~jan5 for ali Jeveic-prnents sh:a:l :-Bqu~;e .jP~L.:~ use ~)et~~,;it ;:;:-:or to <br />.s.s~lc,nce of t.ui1j~;.;g permit.." <br /> <br />Th~s ne.1.-" zor,i('lg district ......:as e$~abltshed a:..:out "i.~-:- 2 .~7ter :-\vsedale wa'S <br />cnr.stf"u('tl...~J ~tne i:-"Iltial 6c}O,OQO squa:e fe~~ ,^'lt~ i'-....Q 3,;::.."),-3:-S: of1d p:-ior t::: <br />deveic~~-':ent at :he old :";Uck propert~ west -~~ Fair\;~'..,'.. T~e n-J9 Lc:ne was <br />e:stahli~he\~ here wit!) higher d~\,,'eiopment $tartdard~ a:"";:,J requ;;-ins; a specIal USf: <br />pern11t f;::;r site plein 3pcpiu\':.11 so 3.5 t~ et';$:\J"e hi~h \.~,~:::~t:- 'j~....-~:op:;.,eni ~;1 th1S <br />sensit:\~ ~!"e-a 0f the Cit.' ~ highl:_ -.;l:;it..:le f:-(lrll r-~\~~~;~".~:. ;~;:-e.:,L> related lo <br />Ruse\-~~~e. and across the- h;g~r..:a~" fiQ'~-' ;)11t-- ,_01 ~.',(" -i~\I, ~',,~~tf- resi,jt'nt:.JI <br />di~tric:"s J, the ~_",l!.':.... Lane S'dbd~\'isic~~". <br /> <br />fL '7~L ;~~n::'<--,tori~~_j Pat::',...'a'\.!' ;~e:JtJire':'::.. f'rl:;~ ..., <br /> <br />~-i)is is :. $('t:'tI;)'~' <br /> <br />t~e ~..rGl;"';3.ICT~~ .J~~c,;-,t~~,_: ;1f':=-.:(~;~> ":f~~-!~:' .l';~:-,; :.~.~;.~. \...~....~c~~ <br /> <br />re~u; !"F-S <br /> <br />th~ <br /> <br />copst :u~:-t 1._':1 <br /> <br />0: <br /> <br />nO'~::.;';Jt;./r I Zt-"':J <br /> <br />~;;:~ '~""~'~1': ~ <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />: ~~.... -." <br /> <br />...... <br /> <br />:; n:~: <br /> <br />0:- <br /> <br />rt~no\ ~t ~On <br /> <br />\\;~p;-~ !!.E'" H:-r:~c\ .;~!Ci1 <br /> <br />'.,-.~ ~I;~ <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />f i ~ t\ <br /> <br />~.~.;-- .:: <br /> <br />. ~ ,-," <br /> <br />:-.e ;--:':t:~nt <br /> <br />_~ t <br /> <br />;nr.;,:? <br /> <br />Qf the p:c!'t"!)i.~\ 3tlC~1 '~.3::.~~ uf ~~e Sl:;:\t'cli:.~~.t.. <br /> <br />'....:"" ;,~ ;-, ,', ~- ,: <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />~i"..-; :--~'-:,-:;:"'€".:';f;lt <br /> <br />.:t:-e :-:u;:-ta' 2\.(..~~;,t <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />rt;-'~7 ~,-__ :-"'1r(1;:'~i':;.,':5-t: <br /> <br />1t <br /> <br />:-it- <br /> <br />.,>' <br /> <br />4 -:~~.~~:- -~:,3.~'~;; ="~1;jt: <br /> <br />1'11\ ~~t~G ,--,~ \....~'H"j~:T..n--:~ i0:1 of :1 :1c~~-~;;".)L:-r. <br /> <br />P;I~ ::.~ 1- '. <br /> <br />; ; :,..--~: !""a'; <..:"';::... l !'if' <br /> <br />;'ii~1rt"i: ~ ,~"''''r:~'? <br /> <br />.:;, :'::d', 1..... ~ht. -__ ~..'.. .1~ <br /> <br />'i.. 1" <"- ,,:- ;,~, <br /> <br />~ ~-..-. \,~~c,~ ,~f <br /> <br />t~~,... nL1n;71l~t.-:-n :f"...-: ;....~~~~h...3:.. <br /> <br />tl' ~at Isf. <br /> <br />~;t' ;_"';<:_:.~~;I::\;' <br /> <br />.. ; <br /> <br />~t~i~; :..::~~::.)r;~ <br /> <br />:-,71;.-} ;:,."1):i)pn~ ';+--I~;:. :~p IJ:;:':~ ~'\ i~;t' <br /> <br />;! ~ L~ <br /> <br />'_;:-~;'~r':' ::;,1 '~r~:~~i.;L"!_' ;1i't,~ <br /> <br />"'-\~f1-J.:;til,.~~:l.JC: df <br /> <br />L ';f <br /> <br />:l~ T~~ ut l.~;- ~ ::-~-... 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