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<br />Implementat!on of Desiqn Standarris Chang!:s <br /> <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />T~p $e:tJ~;l ~ <br />re:~'-.!:re'~,e-rlt <br />L:_C~.c, <br /> <br />~ ~.:..... <br /> <br />~ ....r <br /> <br />'-' <br /> <br />'-r'j <br /> <br />:) ;5:~:--:i- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />. .3:1~. <\..-e <br /> <br />: ~ '-' . ; <br /> <br />~hJS <br /> <br />-. - -. - ,-, ~ <br /> <br />:,...t' '~.::;l::-- 1o:::-:3nc-p ;:f;)Ce':';G~;.;~ 2~ Se;:-tic..... <br /> <br />2.~~S. S;;e;::;;:~ 0.::;,;: '-"...:--=~.~::--='~~eJ:>~ f}; ,-;-.... ~_~lSt:-:CtS. 'Pa9f~ )~,_).: <br /> <br />!--{ere d(;2~:-l. t-:~ ~;;;;O-.Je;- j<:,\ ~;~;J:!;en~ st8i1~3fds f!rst "jSi72 !:J the 8-28 L);~t!"ict <br /> <br />area ted;.~~li.:,-; f--:-- <br />s!x~'e(:rs 0.";0 '.,:,.'~ <br /> <br />~~p :?,-~ ~.':5::-:C'L <br /> <br />Tt-:is .:ii"3t:-ict <br /> <br />~\'2S de\.el,)pec ab8ut five io <br />of the 1a::o p;-o;Josec tG t.e <br />Ci t:. This sect:ic.G furt~er <br /> <br />,'.~:; <br /> <br />. - : . ~ '-. : ; <br />.' i~ ~ j;:1:;.' <br /> <br />"J:.t:ij <br /> <br />f C:~ pCiti:)!if. <br /> <br />;-~de\'~ l\:lp[,-c <br />~eqiJ!:e:;: <br /> <br />,.. <br /> <br />ti';e <br /> <br />~a' :'IC'~~~'7~er:: .j!st:-~r:ts c.f :~~ <br /> <br />a~\~; 2:Jl~.:l:L.~~ ::~3;. -e 7j'"1is\>-~-:~~ 0:' .:~2l .5!rjes ,,-nth per:t:ant7r.::' hnished <br />~r.ate;-~:tis:J; CQ::s:s~e:lL ::;Ja::t\. Ext~'!";0r wa:l su!'"f~_~es shall ~o fae-e <br />L:~i:-i..:, :;rchl~~ct~r~!i~ ~:-eatej ccni:rete, i;;- ~~uivalent..r: <br /> <br />This $(:C't~Gn fUTther 5.i0wS the reduction of par;'dng space5 if exi~tir:g trees <br />are reta:ned 1.1 $~Cr1 :;;::-aces. It als:1 !'eq~iT"eS ~h-.;t: uLx!5,tii"1g tie~s sha!; :1Ct be- <br />refTIaved i..lnic;;s ;:-e:-'i'i~tte,J! -dS $ho';.'.'n c;n a7! approved 5it~ ;-da'i". <br /> <br />The rest af ! ~:is se2t!0f1 \,;:~d~: Spec:a! :..~in!:"!t:~: Requ~re~ents i;:cludes the <br />requlre~ent that ~a~~::ng tl:'f'2S ha\'~ ~c~rej-i;t-piace con~ret~ curbing, that <br />pe:-cent of the 23!1C ~r, the tlfe,rj b~ la:1G$caped ~;.vith)1; f.,,:;; pr--ipher:. of the <br />ror~lDg area., ;jr'):J 5!tf: -;!;J:-"i5 sh:.;:: requi!"€ a specLal t:~~ - perni!t. 5'Jch site <br />p:a.,s shall i'l2~ll"ie: !I~\Jii.jjl-ig plai'ls.~ b,:,jiiding ~leyation~~ ioCicat~ot1 of t~ <br />~uilci'1g Cnas$, t,,,jlJing '~1at~r;als, ana eoior of aU extl"rior s~rface&., ineJudiOlg <br />a11 ~';"':atefial$ ;J:GposeC! t~ '::eet the sC!'"Eeflii:g require~nei)ts ::;! this Ordinance".. <br />LandscapE pian:'i ar~ to include :1t.H'i~be.~. species, and size of all piar:t materia:. <br />T~i.s scction f~rt~le; ~ "',::t::;-es th3~ "The grot:nd lev~f v;ew Df ()I! rooftop <br />uti lities ..;haH :;e c ..i~~pl.?:.~l"~- screened ffO:"n contiguous p:operties a:.d ad.iacent <br />str"ee:"3, or desig!1r- ,j t oJ ~")(' C~)r-!p~tjbie -w i ~~~ thf archjt~ctl.!r~-d treatr::e:1t of ~he <br />~'\rinC'ipaf $tot!_;~ f.-' . <br /> <br />"There shd:l ~~ j",D ;Ji.;t":C'::-i st.Qr:;~~~ ::.:f ~jt~I~:- r:..;a::erials Gr products.~~ <br /> <br />~~L '\ t F:f Lc'r <br /> <br />t ;-~;c.... <br /> <br />ct~;;_; '~!;- ';t~tf -;:I.~,p('~ied e'-1~ip'7H~~nt <br /> <br />;1: H~t'itJal <br /> <br />:...:s\.: <br /> <br />'-~' :... <br /> <br />.;.' p,.t\.... " ~ti'",:j <br /> <br />Sr:r\ lC:t~ a;-e3$ <br /> <br />storage <br />:'iust be <br /> <br />a:--eas dccessUr-y to the <br /> <br />CG;n;.te~~~:y sLi-..:e!)ed~ <br /> <br />e,~.t";:-,t at :~c-.:-t~S:; ;';i~';'!::5;. ~':-~..~ thf': ',_~:QiJnJ :f~\-~'"'; \ !~-!\.\' f:-o:-ll 20:-;ti:;UCl::) p=-Gp~~tl~S <br />i.F'a~ ::iC:.-::cp.f1~ $t:(~c~ts:t <br /> <br />'~~... -,-; 'J.. :i2,~.~l ~~ ......:.~~ ~_:~ ~'~'::~ _j:...'.-~_~_:~~-=:f'r;t .~ ...!.2T_J]:.:.~ ~ ::~:r Jct 5.:Pd~~ ~~ <br /> <br />; ~)e :~-:-: ..:1:;:;iT".. \..~~: ,'~':',~>;;:;;H-~~: ~~Lh.i~ ~~,:c ~.-.~;.;rs ag~.. ~)~)u !i3S ~~f.'e:: di!i='l~~_~j <br />~(':~~;.r.1l;~\ " i"';t"") :-~':1o\h=-\~"':;"-'r'''' i':':'( T1f ~):$t:il:t tJr: !'-!f: \Vest Slt;f" t)f t""""""!:Qf1v.'ri'; ,....'c;\/" <br /> <br />:- ...~;- t.~.::; ::i~:;::-iC!_ tl;., ".~ <br /> <br />":'nio~~~~~'i :--:~,~...:~rt..~"'r;~"L) '....~f? USf'>-;j :t~ "'\::..':-e ..~C\'~:0~f'd <br /> <br />t., t~".. :~,-:~~ ;:7':.~ <br /> <br />. , ," '. .. . ,~ <br />......... \-... <br /> <br />~.~I. :~l:-.:~.,~ ,. t~~~~~ :~r-fI' ~-u:.:-:Se.:-:It.-;;"":,.s R.':'~)'J .~~;~:::'f~:- <br /> <br />".;~i('!l st:~to~.;': <br /> <br />~ , " ; l -: ~ 'j; : <br /> <br />'_0', <br /> <br />-." ....~! :'...iC t i ,~~o <br /> <br />!---- ':hil--?-:t1C;; L) ot~"\'~i jf's~r.C'~LH1~ .F <br /> <br />:~1:$ .)f~;~;';~ili,-:' -1:;;: .' tl~{' :-:,\;j:~~;i;~ \'11..-;;:-S ~~Ipn 1:1 f.:::C'e ~ri fhr?' <br /> <br />',I, <br />.... :1.'. <br /> <br />U;p <br /> <br />~;~t~~ ~"'.11\:;: ;"d:,:t :,1=1. <br /> <br />...~.!~i-I;' :.~'i(' ;'.;!:':'I;-'~' <br /> <br />....~Z';;~1!):~. ~);- ~~f ';--.:-.~f~'n~'11: J.:f ~~;jY L:J~Lj!:~,,-~ :1;' $1"o.1r:~u!t" <br />i:;Cf' ,'[S;_~'1;,...t~~L~i! "':,It'-,:t ~~c ~;";:;\;\,,.:~);] .,L~n:;:; '~~--<o <br />