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<br />207.010 <br /> <br />PUELIC NUISA~CES <br /> <br />2:)7. Noise Control ~lation~ <br /> <br />207.010. Excessive Noises Prohibited. <br />A. General Prohibition. <br />No person shall make or cause to be made any distinctly and <br />loudly audible noise that unreasonably annoys, disturbs, <br />inj ures, or endangers the comfort f repose health, peace, <br />safety, or welfare of any person, or preclurles tt,eir enjoy- <br />ment of property, or affects their propertj s value. This <br />general prohibition is not limited by the specific restric- <br />tion of t~e following subdivisions. <br /> <br />B. Horns. Audible Signaling Devices, etc. <br />NQ person shall sound any audible signaling device ~m ~ny <br />vehicle except as a ~arning of danger. <br /> <br />C. Exhaust. <br />No c>erson Shilll discharge the exhaust or permit the; <br />r:~scharge ef exh~u;L of any steam engipe, stationary <br />internal combustien engine, mot,or ooa-::, motor vehicle, or <br />snoW171obile except through a rnuffl~( or other device tniH: <br />effectively prevents loud or explosive noises therefrom, and <br />complies with all applicable sta-::e lC'ws and regulations. <br /> <br /> <br />~. Defective Vehicles or L~ads. <br />No per-s0T! sh~ll use ~ny vehicle so out of repair 01. so <br />loaded as to craate la~0 and unnecessary grating, grinding, <br />rattling, C~ other poise. <br /> <br />E. L,:>;, UnLJading, Cr!pac.king. <br />No peLscn shalL cre~te loud and excessive noise in loading, <br />unloa1~~J~ or unpackiDg any vehicle. <br /> <br />F. Radios, Phonogr~phs, ?ag~.r8 Systems, etc. <br />No person shall us'::, or opc:!-ate, 01' perni t the, use or <br />operatiOll. of any r;:.di(.' recei\.':ng set, muslcal instnl:.'\:'nt, <br />phonograr~, paging system, machine, or other device fer the <br />production or reproduction of seuna in a distinct ~nd lc~dly <br />audible manner as to disturb the peace, qD10t, <Jn~~ CO:7,t ,- <br />of any person nearby. <br /> <br />operation of any such set, inst=~rnent, phonogr~pl., ma~h!~0. <br />or other devico bet\'leen the hours of 10:00 p.t!. and C':GO <br />a.m., in such Ci manner as to be ;::lainly auct.iblo at thp <br />property line of the structure or in .;hjc~ It ~,. <br />located, in ~h~ h~llway or apartment ad~acent, or at a dis- <br />tZll1C0 of fifty (50) feet if tt:c source is locilted Hi '" <br />~tt'ucture or building, sh,'\ll be prirn,', [.,>cic L'vld"ncc 01 a <br />violati0~ of this section, <br /> <br />2GO <br /> <br /> <br />