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<br />Implementation of DE-sign Stall'18rds Change'; <br /> <br />Page 24 <br /> <br /> <br />~-=?iTER.L~\ FC~-~~ t3uIL;:::l: ~:_~) ',:1r. <br /> <br />The bUiJdin; 3r;:j s:te J:rl;:,r:)\-e1~-!~: <br />are called I1nonconfofiniri9 'Jse::.':. <br />shall r.ot be eXpariCE:': J!:~(:S~: . ~'. <br />T:-,2y rn,-:, rJChVever. cDntjr;;jF:' <br /> <br />tr1:3t In IjC~ <br /> <br />C'onf'..:H.;rj tc cUfle:-lt st&ncarJs <br />clear!, scdtes that su..:h uses <br />Jp tc :=:rdinar:C'e rf'qu!re~nents. <br />l:jJe~!nj~el> 32 noncnnfo;-rning <br /> <br />7'ft ~J;d! na112C <br /> <br />:~1 ~ :!i'ol1t]ht <br />';3inl;S:;-ied <br /> <br />uses. <br /> <br />Though no s;_':::~LdJL :.\ffitlFri ", -'. ~...,_I:d~,}fC ex~sts~ !.~e Staff has encolJ~aged <br />t~rjngjr;; 11ar~_jng Jots '..' ::~::(j:' t:~e-"':E'f"lt.s of the building code up to ~t3ndard <br />','..:her~ expfHlsions DCCUJa ;\~ ,] :,;p' "'J:(jf.? if an ~x_pansl:Jn of on existing <br />b...ilding exc-,eds "::1 pp.~cef\t, ttJe lJe','~!c;:>er in ('Jestian has been strongjy <br />encouraged l'. k:.'lg t;',e ;.Ja,~j"r:.; ,Dt .:r-,ci'JG,rH; cu.-bing, setback, and drainage <br />rcqtJiref~' -:~B.; up to code. TI1j~; p:-:rl:t?!'t criter:5 has bee:'"1 used since the <br />nonconforming use section s'c;tes: If a tJuildi":g is d~st~o; c;d by natural causes <br />by 50 percent or ;,10,<::, :"e ,",,0(" [';;C! ')~ longer continues as 3 legal <br />ncnconforming use. <br /> <br />We have discuss",,:: lhi" ',U' .,ti.)', uT poiiC) fe. '.ing '.0 whell p3rklng jot and <br />ather jmprovemer,ts are cequl'; :)':;seo .In the extent. of exp,msion proposed '3r <br />a particul<Jr str'Jcture. Thcugh ~i',e nunconforming use theoretically allows ali <br />ordiOlc\nce ~tand2fds to be "'et if OJ budJi~l:; is expanded at all, we suggest <br />that a threshold of perhaps en p~rcent might be a more reasonable policy. [n <br />:lther worjs, if tT'1e buiiding is !.:-> :": '2\pand20 to include 2J percent additional <br />fjoo~ area (or mo;'e\ '111 o~,=ii:ance requirs,,,ents 2S to p"rking jot curbing, <br />surface specifI23~icr;s, and dra;<1.'Jge ,'::>U1;1 be requi~e,. to be built according to <br />current stsr,o<Jrcs. This:i:)uid alSCJ In:iud,~ reas8nable appiication of building <br />perfGm,ance 3tandards ; e j"t i '19 ~ eJ roo f L0p screeni ng, handling of trash <br />re-:eptacle", appropriate bc;,:J;Ol(j :ndt",~laIs,'1d$caping reql'ireinents, etc. In <br />the event ~hat iln o\'mc, ,3" de\:~:oper call110t rnec( t ,CS8 r~quirements due to <br />some hardship ('ond;tIO'1, the uvmeridcvelGper 1108Y ap;:-ly f~,' 3 V3r'2'lCe seel<ing <br />ri=!:'~f from 3i1: requ:renJent of ~ilf; Zoning C0(~e. Ir thE: c\r2r-~ ~iI2:- expans: "' <br />of the ~t!"ucture IS; propose:] tn :)c ~2$.s th~' '1n ~J8r.::e! ()f the f;;....stinS: floer <br />area, the current code st:,ndards w:)uld be ,!c3ble CHi. 'i~ tnat portion 'Jf <br />thf buildill\j or parking ;j!'P3 t, "I' ;."'i',\fl;;ec!. <br /> <br />In order to <br />stipuLJte U~f' <br />stager! uvei <br />date of ~h.€ <br /> <br />S(':rjl:~ ~-:--t 1 ~J ;Jercent expansIons, thf: !....Jidinanc.e would <br />f;:~u," .' :\C' calculated to incl~hlt.. 3ny d2\"elopmetit <br />':;.J ':Jr, th;:' ~dllrf" f",:,t;~ige of the structure as of tre <br />dGop!io,'l u: th... ;J'~':"'cj"'erll.. R"uti~,p l)Jiidi'lg permit ~eC:LJ;';s Cd' <br />f22dih v~li;:Jte e')"i)~lils:on hi ;;.Jf.. .=--!n~,' o;-,~<te f-;:- purposes cf adn1inJster:ng <br />thIs sectiofl ;")f U1P code. <br /> <br />prevent a <br />::0 ;:Jf'icer~t <br />'0 t.:nlP h:~.~ <br /> <br />Tht~ ~~ ~ercent ~}L-H1!2u -.: n()t~(i ::)o\,p W~~) cnnsid::red L)y StCifi Jl one of our <br />p.aily sessions. .\~;j ~\J:)~;PT1C:'lt 'lIP'::"tl.\]~ \t W8S s.Jggested th,_tt ;j CULL.,ff at 10 <br />p~~rCL'IIL t::JI,.~--:li.l':"IC..J H H......." ...........;. ~.:::'-'.. 1:, ;",,:::-o:-.n~ otf"'P!1d r,nr trii)QPr <br />...11'/ n13ndatur"r jjnpr'J\',-:;,:~'n,s ;l!~ ,"' ~,j!lq 1"t nf at.her l\..'.:1!'" requi~ernentfi. <br />The :)uqqestion is that at r<l ~-'t'i"Ct-:-nt eX[);'HI::1:f:.n a5 rneas~H"ed ;_~) square tooto~le <br />increuse or ,'o,!Jr \.;:;j.;c, 1".1;, .", ,:jl''''"r,r(' ;,ii --:ode requirecnellts would be <br />requireo.. Dui!diniJ e\I'<;~iSj<JiiS l~~lt'.\:CI~JJ llJ t ~rcef")t cind ~-)O j)ercent. ;Nould <br />require prnnorti'~n:\:' ilnpr()\'f!::i:".I- t,', p;:lr:..:infJ lot ClJi'birlg~ et.c. It a special <br />U$e pe:-nllt :"-'qulied for ~-.t~~ ;);:1:-1 [C".':r-~,,'~ this proces:. wiii offer ;~f1 <br />oprllrlunit:, ru ~'"-~~~rninp t~lf' ,.. ,tt~1nt t(] ','",'hich tht'sE- propoitJonal Ji11pJGVernent-s <br />;"'.'r~ P-'1posed tl) he ;:;1._'~''':~Ij.")ii:;lled. T~i:S prc\'id:-s for ~~lJrne degree ..:;; flexibiUty <br />and r:t~rhars io\=;] ~~ontr;t"LJ~'. t() 11~.1 i'ei.illl"'li!~T\ l)f SQ'11C (~I~onoj1:ic ha,:,dships <br />w'lereln :~ :0 ~h'1'l~ent ~'\p~in.)I!Jr1 ~'-.' "1[.' have r~"qulrf'(j tQt~:1 cnnforrnal1c~. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />.....- <br />