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<br />2. <br /> <br />The' aGave pians sha': toe p.epa,ed bJ a reg:~',"red engineer and <br />b> the Pub!ic Works Director. T'1e work, ':is ac:con1plished, <br />approved by a registe.ed engineer." <br /> <br />approved <br />s!1a 11 be <br /> <br /> <br />Implel1lematiQil of Design StanJar:Js Chang:~:;; <br /> <br />Page 16 <br /> <br />I:lrju::.tri:d 0L. ~j'ic'-s '_ sn:'G. <br /> <br />------------- <br /> <br />----- <br /> <br />-\::'~:-o\.~l. <br /> <br />.r-'3.JE- <br /> <br />,-' <br />L', <br /> <br />.......)__ ;)L:. <br /> <br />Scree:~.;i: !liar,s ~;J Se <br /> <br />SUb;7 .i t tt,::"": IL. <br /> <br />irlis se::::Lo'f requires thl3t SCff?enl:','; b~ ~JiJ~~e ,J ]71:..-jjj~tri2J property when <br />co;-;llguous to r!;s!jentiu~ ,::.;-:-~a$ I~ >_:fJiJ!?t:C tf12! "::;cjch screenir:;;. either of <br />planting fence or ..vo i, s.lali su~stanti3ii",. :;loc~ e~e 1C\21 ~<.:'I~Gn betv.'ecn the <br />rcsidentiai 3!-.... ~ndli5tda! areas. Plans f.,r- s('?eer,. -19 :i"':;.Jst be fHed, -....,ith <br />building p}ar,s .th the I:lspection Sur:e=-inte~r:~p.nt~ 2nd ~IUSt tIe referr:ed to th€ <br />COLineil fi;!" approval. The Council ;TiG~1 :-efer the screening pla~ to the <br /> COnlf111::5:01: fer re\':ev/ aiij re2G~,;'),nenoatiun.. A bond shaH be <br />;:>~:J\. ioed as required by S'2ction l2..06CP'. <br /> <br />lO.?h). <br /> <br />Pi3f1S Requi::-e~..:P'3<JE' 67:' <br /> <br />1. ",.\f'I)' bui :\Jing to be cc~structed i:1 an 1 D:strict shali be Unde;-t3kcn only <br />,n conformance with ~';J\ldil"'g and S!t-= plans, showing complete details <br />f:Ji sanitar~ sewer! 'tortn sewer \....ater.. \"Jater:i-1ains, and st:-eets. <br /> <br /> you ....,ill note tllat in the industr;aJ distrIcts, that plan" are required to <br />be pr"'pared U)' <3 ,egiste,eG ergi'ieer a.hi approved h) the Public Works <br />Director. The was no'. an emphasIs on "he aestnetic concerns, req;JI fHlg <br />prepa:'at!'1rl of th~ ohms by an architect. This difference reflects the genera! <br />attitude of most City Council in th'.' e:J~i> d3YS nut wanting to infringe on <br />c~e rir)1ts of the propen- owners to des,]rl their own buildings in Co way '1 <br />which they wish 1:0. Tt- the ordi,.ar,ces Jid not atte:npt to restrict tl,e' <br />1" ide..;9 '''aterials and eXcelH TlJ~ the ;'leI'" J:. created shop?ing center district <br />conc~pt, it did nct reQuire tile apprav"i ')f s.,e rians, <br /> <br />l' nes(~ addi t iona! <br />were apr-!'''d te' <br /> <br />controls were. of <br />tile new distrJcts <br /> <br />CGurse, ;:11 r duced jf) the <br />deve;of'cJ si",ce that time <br /> <br />early <br />(8-1B, <br /> <br />71)'s <br />8-4, <br /> <br />anl.~ <br />and <br /> <br />._'-bJ. <br /> <br />1::.060. <br /> <br />S_~~c~)~nCJ R~~~ents.. -:Pao;p 7-;' <br /> <br /> <br />n:is section st~tes that "if the COUPCI: req..Jlrcs <br />conUiUOI' :Ui ..:.;--~;.:~~"" r::;~pri~), 1~e PC[l~11t, <br />I..../:th the foilo\'ilng conditicfls: <br /> <br />3"'> t)pe uf &s a <br />the aprlic::nt shall cornp!y <br /> <br />1. FilE a {~~)r;' of the screening ;<:;n,: \'.'I~h the ;..t'~3:13ger. <br /> <br />,., <br /> <br />Th~ screp.:1lng 'ij~nUng 0; LGn:"~ r~Jr:t:i1ii. 1;" l::('J!h, shal~ ~;e CD111plt:~tC within <br />one year rrorn the' ljute :::-1 L,--~ ::~"'r;'lit, subject u) ~\:t~nsjo!) by the <br />Pubiic VJorks ~)irecto!'. <br /> <br />Thp' s('Teeni:~;4 shan :1.~ ~;1ajr,~.::;;ri:'n. :~fter con.lpll~t.ed~ f:_:f \3 iH~flOd Df af <br />I(',~$t t w[) yp.ars, <br /> <br />j.. ~\ bond ::;naU ~e fde~~ lH a l-:-!S~I ..)f'i"o:-' l h:ndciC:~~ i:i ''''1 ~J1~('I'nt cf one <br />.~nl.i onC'-h3Jf tin~f's ~he Publi\~";l.\i~~~ [)nt'l~l.f}r's est;inatE: of the t""':l..1sl of <br />p;d:)~j[lD ..,nd Cq!lS!Xlj~~~!(~n ~1f tht' ~J'.";'I"t"piq:;, :1nd ~<1id C3:;!, ljcposit. or bon~j <br />shan be fc.rfcitl'd if 3n) i',C~\!,';I(i!': I.;f ~~1f:' .;e:-tiun is viC\j;:tr",j." <br /> <br />