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<br />Implementation of Design Standards Changes <br /> <br />Page 26 <br /> <br />5UMr-1.~R y <br /> <br />.'\5 the ~!"'t,.. ,:j!~ Df s,"lected ~;Ga!s consis~-_I)tiy states (1979 :::omprehen>ive <br />Plan), it would seem 3ppropria~" _, the City sf Hose\ '.He to upgrade some (If <br />its st2'~dards far developer,eOil ':,' initial!;: reC0~" ended in the Twin Lak~s <br />Study. Such IrGpruverr.ents changes would ~'f .:'ons:5tent with what has Deer. <br />done '3nd is occurdf1g j" other fi,si. r...; SU~lJrDS wit;-,in the Twin Cities. A <br />simple ~oJutiO'1 at this ,Jnint in ~!!T,e would be sir":J:;' to a"-,.:;1:C: those sections <br />relating to ti'ash handli..y, i'Goftof' equipnent, etc. ,,,hi,;" were initially <br />identified at previous '"",,-,,"':ngs with th", Pla.mirv; Comrnission dnd Council. <br /> <br />A second option consist;; oi twu elements: <br /> <br />1. Preparation 0 f a mure c:omr - :,erosive upgrst:Eng thruugh the development <br />of "Pe~ ;xmance Standards" sectlL'n of the Ordinance to deal with these <br />elerr.ents, which are currently spread throughout the O,dinance. This <br />will result iT: a more simpli tied and a better understool: and enforcible <br />method of inJple..nenttng c;ua!ity design standards. <br /> <br />2. Pro\.iji..g a site plan rl"view process for all new ,i,'vclopment a.1d <br />eXjJansion over 10 percent would 'Jpgrade the quality of development and <br />the level of awarenes~ for all development i:1 the City now covered <br />anI)' bi the ne"~er zoning districts adopted si.~:,: 1972. <br /> <br />We realize that thE' scope of the propcsed changes hiSs significantly enlarged, <br />z.nd that the PJa.1ni:1Y COir,mission may wiSh to wf:ight these alternatives <br />carefully. Because the November meetiny of the Planning Commission has a <br />lore than usual fui! 3gcr,da, Members ma) wish to consider establishing this <br />at a :>eparate meeting ;;t which time there would be ;nore ample opportunity <br />to review impli'~ations and options presented in this report. <br /> <br />On t"ovembei' 1, we 5ho'~ld have d better idea as ta thE' length :>f the agenda <br />ior the Commission's next r"'gular meeting. If the agenda is light, it may he <br />practical L~ eons,der thi~ subject at the ne:-<t general ",eeti;1g, or hold a <br />special ,,)C.eUng ,f thr,: seems 'rare appropri2tp.. <br />