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Last modified
11/20/2014 3:26:25 PM
Creation date
11/20/2014 3:01:43 PM
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Public Works Commission
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WX <br />80 Mr. Schwartz noted the addition of the leaf program registration card in the <br />81 meeting packet materials for information purposes for the PWETC, noting that the <br />82 collection program would begin November 3, with the City of Roseville divided <br />83 into four quadrants. For the benefit of the listening audience, Mr. Schwartz <br />84 advised that there were still a few remaining days to register for the leaf collection <br />85 program. <br />86 <br />87 Vice Chair Gjerdingen noted that the public needed to be aware that any leaves <br />88 raked onto boulevards after the City or Roseville pe rmed their collection in <br />89 their neighborhood would not be picked up. <br />90 <br />91 Mr. Schwartz noted that the public was alerted to this repeatedly, as well as <br />92 reminders not to put leaves on the sidewalk or on the street to avoid them ending <br />93 up in the storm sewer system. <br />94 AV <br />95 Member Wozniak noted a number of remaining areas along the C unty Road B-2 <br />96 sidewalk with missing asphalt and remaining coned off. <br />97 Ar 1 <br />98 Mr. Culver responded that this coming Fri y, tFeremaining areas w be milled <br />99 and overlaid with a 3' patch, as required by MnDOT, and requiring special <br />100 equipment, thus the delay. Mr. Culver noted his disappointment that the areas had <br />101 been left open this long; however, he noted that it was difficult to stop people <br />102 from using the areas even though construction was not yet completed. For the <br />103 most part, Mr. Culver reported that the County Road B-2 work was completed, <br />104 and noted the considerable positive feedback from residents using it as <br />105 construction was finalized, offering a lot of support, and expressing excitement to <br />106 celebrate this milestone in completing the segment all the way to Rice Street. <br />107 <br />108 Member ozniak noted the Victor Mo County Road C is also completed, <br />109 which he was pleased to see. <br />110 <br />111 Member Lenz noted a portion of Victoria Street where an unimproved footpath <br />112 crosses the road from the west side of the park to the east side, even though not at <br />113 a crosswalk, but is used frequently by pedestrians. Over the last thirty years that <br />114 she'd been observing the area, Member Lenz noted that she had yet to see anyone <br />115 deviate by proceeding up the hill to cross the street, and suggested it may be time <br />116 to stripe the location actually being used by pedestrians for crossing. <br />117 <br />118 While Member Wozniak noted that a pedestrian crossing was striped near Transit <br />119 Avenue, Member Lenz reiterated that no one goes up to Transit, but comes out of <br />120 the south end loop and crossest the street there. Since this crossing had been used <br />121 long-term, Member Lenz suggested the path of least resistance, and inability to <br />122 change human behavior, would suggest a striped crossing where pedestrians <br />123 actually crossed. <br />124 <br />Page 3 of 17 <br />
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