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<br />the sc~t~.. <br /> <br />~-.lo f::2tte:- 1-:0\-.' ~~e OL?;ldjr!C! is plaC'eC!~ <br /> <br />! t appears that <br /> <br />- <br /> <br /> <br />Wesley Rydell, Case No. 20J5 <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />reGL:ct:o~ ~ r.~j$ ~ ~ r::;:J: ~2~::dC~': :equif~:nent ;s 2ssentlal ta mo~e the <br />5:te wc-r-i..: fur the :Jse c~ ;:!'"0;::')sed.. <br /> <br /> <br />The site ::cV:f;; pL'b::: iT:;'"'!t2;~ ;:n tr.ree s~d~s C2;'; acc:Jr!1r.1cdate c total <br />of three pylon signs.. ~ ~:~)U~C sj~~; is p!'\::posec at Gain E'otrance <br />inste;:;d cf a PYl~r; Sig~1" ~ py ion s!gn 23 fe~t hi;;,: \\. i.h an 8 f:Jot by <br />8 fc~t sign at the top !5 ptop~sed at the flor!hscst CQrnci.. This sign <br />is \vithin 5:gn a:-jinar.ce require:T:ents.. A thir:j sig!1 is. prcposed at t~e <br />fa: f:&st e1'~j cf tJ;e sit2~ \\'hi~h 3ppears t:J te Gv€'r- 1(:0 fc~t. from the <br />north and ea:}:t propef:~\ ii:ie. This s1gn, '..\ihich is allovJed to b:~ 225 <br />square fee~ in ares :CG:- :!gllOGS t~ free\v3:'\ ;5 prcpased to be <br />:;Q fee~ higtj rat.her L~'5;, ~) ~ee: allowed TC!" Sl:cr, a r:ee\vay sign. T;-:Js <br />r~qlJest ~s Ir.aae DeCftLiSe cf t!""'ie elevated nature of : ,e fre:e\-'.'ay at this <br />point 2i':d tG vis~~il:t: for southbou~d traffic O!1 I-3S\'V. The <br />highest ;-:Oint of the free.......'d) 111 this 3!"ea is contiguous to the property <br />wher~ it c=-oss~s over t:'.E:' iBti;"Crac tracks and County Read C. Thu:;:, <br />under thes~ ccr'tdit:ons! thiS v2f~ance Seei11S !'~asonable.. <br /> <br />Landscaclns <br /> <br />A Ie Jdsccpe pic:r: h.3$ Jf?~n siJb:;-;itted.. Sig~ifica;-~t la(jj~caping <br />prcpo$ed consi5tr:nt Wi th ,he a:c;:;liC3nt's attef7';:-' to mcke this <br />tha:; u5ual auto ager.c~ s:tf::' frc"T1 an a~st:'etic \,:ie"vpoinl.. <br />seerrs appicpr13te subject to fj~3d review by Staff" <br /> <br />has been <br />a better <br />The pia:! <br /> <br />L ~r~:-Itin:: <br /> <br />The ;ight:n~ pian as 51J~~t!.teG utilizes shader" <br />5h~c' ;\_.:,. Tne: !ic:hur~g pia:"' appears appI'opri;;'e <br />t:ltErioi of the s;t~~ <br /> <br />fixtures as sho)wn or. <br />alld is or:enled to the <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />SH;nage has c;:eaJ) been JrsC"i...'s52:j in this report.. Ho\",evf':', there is a <br />pru;:csed s:g:; to be loc3tet~ on e;\ \"..'a~l in the sUiJth\Vester~y area cf th~ <br />sitf:. T~e hei;;ht f.Jf t~~!3 \vJ~~ 1-;; ~ne e'Cac! nature of the sign to be <br />r ;:.!;::O$P.:: i':; !iot $:-0.::."....:;. \'.,',:: :'..~0e$~ th.:;~ it 1$ jrr,portan~ tMat t lis be <br />....r:ia~r:-=~ 3C as to -::2~e su:-e th2' it COBS :tot consUtlltB .a la4'g-e <br />;:?aC~t;;-o\,.;~d ......a:i f~C~:l:\ CCHr;mon -...0 "used car icts".. it may be <br />ar:~"':-O~;~i~t..~ O~~ ~~)~5 .....:j;. :0 n2ve .:: S~~~~r: ~(lgo~ but e' ensive signage <br />be\"o;j~ thiS ,,';(H..J~I..: Sf!e<~~ ~c cht-~p€::l t~e ~u21:ty aitC nature at the s~te <br />35 ;'i~\"-"eo ;.}~ (fo::"',-- ~ ~'-'....:-::::....; '.?-"'I'i"r.. nn ~unc ~~ke Road.. !t \....ouic t.e <br />d;--TT' tc .~t~es:'icr: ;.:"":~ sppiic3nt re;;3~c~nI1 the :i1tent W'~;I f~~f-}t:I,...~ <br />to thiS '_\:2:1~ I~S ~::aie. a.-',1 it;:: ~essa'ie. <br /> <br />SCi-=-e!1!f::: <br />----- <br /> <br />:he r;Jo~ Qi the st:':JctLire. \,,'hic~: \.\ :'1 ~"e visib;e fro;n the free\....ay, has <br />c: s'2':-ie:; of s....>-1;9~t~ 0$ -"cite.j i;" t~'? plans s~Di"'7iitt~j. The a;Jplicant <br />;S ~,~,t:' '-.;z~~ aT !;~~a:.jn; n!~G ~ir- cJr"j~t~onj:-..; eQ;Jipment other U)ao that <br />1.;1) t'ie r"Qi.)L ~ ~O\;',~: t j;.Jn c$r?rtZl!:lI;lg the e:..-:aet nature of th,s <br />t:.'i.:u.~~t1~ent a:id Jt.~ :~):~2~i,:-;n \\'(iL~IC be apprcpr.:)te 0$ a conoilion to <br />'r:'~:":--.~: ;.. <br /> <br />- <br />