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<br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />II. INTROOUCTIOH <br /> <br />Saturn of St, ?al.ll CJnd t'1ei,' prcfessi0'1<11 des;::}n teail Ildlie been worki!'!g <br />together to develop Sarurn of St. ?aul ~~to DealerShip to be located or. a <br />4.87 acre SitE at the i~tc~section of ~oad = and Long ~3k2 rt03G, <br /> <br />It is the inte"tion of Saturn ot St. Paul to guidt> the clevelop.'e:it of <br />the parcel of prope, wit~in the regulat,o'iS of r"quened ~ezoning. <br /> <br />Tni s pro:J,)sal re..juests the fall ow; ng o.pprovai:; Of t~e City of Rosevi11e: <br /> <br />1. Rezoning of the parcei from 8-,1 to 6-3. <br /> <br />2. Special 'Js~ Per-jlit .~ppro\'a!. <br /> <br />3. Front Yard Setback from 15' to 8' for app;"oxi1~ately 103' of frontage. <br /> <br />4. Free1ltlay pylori sign height variance from 45' to 60'. <br /> <br />III. <br /> <br />c"6" ~.! - (_ ? - i I - -~- 1. \. <br /> <br />GENERAl ~YElOPMENT PlAN <br />A. SITE CONDITIONS <br /> <br />The proposed auto oea1ership site is d 4.87 aCre ~orcel known as <br />All :~at pert of th~ ~ortheast Quarter (NEl/4) of Section eight (8). <br />Township Twenty-~Ji:1e (29). ?ange twenty three (23) lyi!1g west of the <br />west line of the East one-fGurth (El/4) of said WorthE03st QUarter <br />(NEl/4) of Secti')n eight (8), and lyi;;g nort:l ,)f tTJe northerly lir.t! <br />of ri ght of way heretofore conveje1.J to l1i nneil.po 1 i s and St. Loui s <br />Rai1way Co. (now occupied b.J NOt'thern Pacific Railway Co.) 31'1,j lying <br />east of a line run'ling para, iel to anc! distdnt thirty three (33) feet <br />east of a ~ortherly projection of the li~e hereinafter r~ferred to as <br />~ine A; said Line A ~eing determ~ned as follo~s: Com~ncing dt a <br />point on the north line of said Section eight (3; distant ni'1e <br />~und~ed thirty four (934) feet east of the Northwest Corner of the <br />!Jort~east quarter (~El/4) of said sectiof1; th~nce soutl1 parallel \~ith <br />the north and SOuth quarter section line of sdid section. five <br />hmldred ei ght (SCJ8) feet to t;,e northerly 1 i ne of the d ght of way of <br />the Northern Pacif,c Rai1road; thence !'ortrleast along t!1e right of <br />'o/ay of said rai1",1ad, two hundred sixty s~ven dnd 3/10 (257,3) feet <br />~..) t:-.c ~':~;1~ :f ~~.:::~~~~~~ c~ ,-in~ ~: th,:."r~ ,out" ~lonQ 5aid Line A <br />to the south line ~f the-i;o,-theast quar"!er (NEl/4) of sdid Sectiol1 <br />~ight ;8) and to a point whic~ is seven hund~ed ninety e~ght d"O 5/10 <br />(798.5) feet Vlest of the southwest corn:=I' 0f the East one fourth <br />(~1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (~~1!4) of said Section eight (8). <br />Subject to public I'ights in County Road "r;". <br /> <br />This site is tlouild to the east ),'1" 35\01, the nort:1 t.j' COllnty ~oad C. <br />tile "lies"! by long lake Road and to the .;outh ~y Norti1el'n Paci fi c <br />Railwav Co. rail roaa trac",s. ",~ !.Isr ~aS~;'1ent fu" 11"lqi1 yo1taJe <br />transmission line c.-osses the site east.-we$!. Access to t~e-sHe <br />wi 11 t>e fro:n a di vi .;ed clJr~ c:Jt "~ f of i.()~'1 La\;:0 Ro,,1'1 dr"j twa curb <br />cuts spdced along County Road C. - <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />