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<br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />B . LAND USE <br /> <br />The el1ti:"'e site is :zoned 3-4 :;-(Etai1 )ff";ce Se!"vice District\. This <br />propoS31 requests that the er.ti~e ~ar:el be :"'ezoDea frQ~ ~-~ to B-3 <br />(General 3usi:1€'ss ::istrict: to a11c,'ti for :>", construction of an au~c <br />dealersn; p. <br /> <br />j <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />"'ctua~ bui1ding coverage is ".9~ "f 'tile sit". are". ",ctua1 noor area <br />ratio is .G96. Al1o~~able ::-~~..R,. ~s 1.0. Site open sp.:rc~ is <br />approxima~ely 9(,l~. <br /> <br />C . SETBACKS <br /> <br />The building setbac~ of 30' is provided a10ng both County ~ood C and <br />Long Lake ~oad with iI 15' paddng ~etback along County ~oad C (except <br />for that area of S: as described O~ th~ Si:e ?ld~' and Lena Lake <br />Road. ?arking setback is 5' along t~e east and soutt. property lines <br /><<~ich is met or exceeded. Setbacks for py10n signage wili ~e met. <br /> <br />D. PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />The propos~d project includes 2Q,3~2 s~. ft. which is ccmpos~d of the <br />feli owi ng: <br /> <br />Office and Showroom <br />Service (10 bays) and Parts Storage <br /> <br />?,n~ sQ. ft, <br />:1, lSP. sq. ft. <br /> <br />A main extrance is proposed on ~Ohg Lake R0aa and t~o cur~ cuts are <br />proposed along C(lunty Road C. '.2;,/ aT1d Used C31'" '1i5,)13j lots are <br />proposed alofig Long Lake Road anj at ~1~ ;ntersection of Long L~ke <br />Road and '::ounty Road C. SE'rvice and inv~ntory parKi og areas are <br />locateC; at the r>?ar ,""If the si te, <br /> <br />E. PARKIN6 <br /> <br />On-site parking far tho? p1'Opos,"G ~ut() deaiersi1ip )idS been pr\J\iided in <br />excess of the city's req\lir:r;1ents. .~ total of 78 pal"idng spaces for <br />customer, employee, and service are provided including 2 handicappe~ <br />spaces. 238 spaces have been provi 1:d fa!' new and used Cdl' di splay <br />and inventory patk~ng, <br /> <br />;:-. r.JWn~E. PRA')fAGf. UTILITY. _AND EJtVIRONMEWAl <br /> <br />Storm sewer is in p,~ce along Long Lake Road and County ROdd C. Four <br />IS inch diall1eter stOrm sewe!" i"'lets are CJrrent1v" extended into the <br />site from the County Road C sYSt:=';1. <br /> <br />T!!is syste.ll conveys tile dr-air.age uncle;' I-35\.1 wes:<!!"lj to the <br />C1eve1c1r.d~ver)uc jraind~ C0\'riJ,1r" the,'] r:-q'i:her1j .~l(J'1g ;-3S'... <br /> <br />The existing site surface ~cnditlons consist of harctpacked gravel, <br />6,~50 square fJot building. and poor 4Ucli~y vegetated dred$ arJund <br />tht:' p~"'i,'1etel" of th~ si te. T!lese (andi tiO.1S '-esu1t in ,) ;:>eak <br />dischdt'ge rate of 16.'1 c:uhic feet per' 5e.:o:~d :;cfs) ff)r d 1,J-ye.3r" <br />f~eQuency rdinfall event. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br /> <br />