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<br />- <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />~. UJiOSCA?E <br /> <br />-....-- <br /> <br />~ne landscape plan prepared for the ~~_~~n Dealership reflects high <br />quO! 1 i ,"y and attenti In to det~i I , <br /> <br />f3Ch tre~. :,hrub, ar.ct ground cover has be~n carefully selected. <br />F-riorities were based on aestheti~ quality, low mair.-tenance <br />require!ile!1ts, drought tolerance, and resistan(;e to salt damage. <br /> <br />Er.try drives Lre attractive1y ~andscaped to be visually plea$ing. <br />~~aller trees were used u~rler the hi~h volta~e power lines, mature <br />height under the 1i'1es is li;r.ite~ to'g feet: <br /> <br />Site line:. from majQr streets and the inter-",tate hignway offer <br />excellent land~caped v;ews. <br /> <br />H. LIGttTIMG <br /> <br />Typical site lighting consi sts of prehni shed metal light <br />;,ti!ndat'ds with ii 1000 watt :\etal ;-:alidEc fixture. Site lighting will <br />h2ve no significant eff€ct on ajjacent pro~erties. Spill created by <br />this lighting will ~e shie1ded. Addit~onal 1ighti~g will Ge pr~vided <br />dt the entrances of the b~iloing for accents. <br /> <br />1 . SIGNA5E <br /> <br />P~oject sig!13ge w;11 confonn to the City's sign orQinanc~s except for <br />the variance noted !)elow in Item 2. Si:lnaqc will incl",de: <br /> <br />1. 23( monument sign at the inters~cticn of Cou~ty Road C and Long <br />LaKe Road, <br />2. 60' fre~way sign (variance requested}. <br />3. 5' monument sign at the main entr)' tt> ;itl'. <br />4, \Jali sign (m landscape wal1. <br />5. 5' directional monument. <br />6, Suildi~g signage as sho~r,. <br /> <br />J. BUILDING 1!t.AGE <br /> <br />Tt'te t1ui1aing design is a national pro~:)type for Satur!! ,1ealerships <br />("omor'ised of a sirqle story service ar::>'! and;; two story showroom and <br />office. The ulIilding has a clea!'!, intl"Qstir,g, ar.u S<:phlst~Cdteo <br />design. The proficsed building de:;','ga j equal to or exceeds any <br />:JUto deaie~ship il1 the '-'etro area. l'::s ~se of ;;.aterial dnc placement <br />on th~ site have ~een CiH'eful1y and thoro;;ghly cGnsid~r,?j in Qrdt'r t.o <br />bring the !Jest poss.i\)ie design to the Cit.y of RosE!ville. All sides <br />Gf tl}~ l>uilJi!'\g iire &urfaced with ",'hite pt'efiniSht>d hs.\lli1ted met..) <br />pilf'lels with full glass fen€:st.'atior! in t~e sdles <"<:,,. The public <br />entry t.:> U.e tui1 di niJ is high1 i g~ted wi ttl a ,~o 1 ored d~'o!>-()ff and <br />covered Wd H:'WdY s}'sten;. The ~oof is penetra t::>::I wi th nUi1l~!'OUS <br />skylights in the service, reception ~n~ sales fleDr ilt'eas. Building <br />aesthetics are compatible with recently completed buildi"gs in t.he <br />:sred.. The ;:>rop0~~u m.2ta1 panel exterior fi~is~ ;:~te~i31 is si!Bilar <br />in color and texture to that used Cn the adjiicept Rosedale Corporate <br />Pla7i1. No banners ~r f1ags will be used for advertising or as <br />dtte1tio~ J~tte!'~ ~r tt,e propnsed site.. <br /> <br />s <br /> <br />