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<br />- <br /> <br />The proposEd <br />'ots., 20,380 <br />boulevards. <br />re~("esents a <br />cor;d1 t 10f'tS. <br /> <br />site :.!cve!opm~1~ cO!lsists ::f JitJlTIi~aL!s ~JrfQced Pdrking <br />square Toot Jljilc;;ns, and grass'lanc5caped '~d~ans and <br />Tne ID-jeJr peak run0fF rat~ is 10.2 cfs. This rate <br />sl ight increase of 2.7 cfs {)'wOer t~:~t ;Jf ex.i sti!1g <br /> <br />, <br />I <br /> <br />Th~ County Road C s.ystem, ~r;lmediat?:y acj'1Ce!1t to the s1te~ has <br />ad~Quate (:3pacity provided that .~pprQx~mate!~/~..2 :!c~e-feet of <br />sto;'age is. p!-ovided, ThiS stc:-age vo1u:TI€ re;;i'esents t'.P. amount of <br />storage required to ::O:'itrQl the fut,,"e disci"1arge: rate to that of <br />existing conditiDns. Storm water de~e~tiC)n is Drapos.ed in t~e <br />northeast corner of t~e site. <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />II <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />As the City is aware, the Q!"oinage <;ys-cem u!lder 1-35\~ is suDj€:ct to <br />Cl€Ve13nd ~~ef]u~ and the~ f]O~th dlo~9 1-3~ is subj~ct to periDdic <br />flooding. TI1i5 i~ a largtio regional i~5ue t~dt !~iJst '-'~ <br />resolved '.)n a regional scale. T!)e subj~ct develop.1IE'nt, .,~tl) or <br /> on site ponding win r'dVf: ~o ;aeaSij!"d!)'1e affect on U".is <br />sit<.!aticn. <br /> <br />A 12-i~ch diamEter .,ater~a1n along Long Lake ~oad and 15-inch <br />dhmE:'ter flatermain "it!>in COl.onty ~oad C florder the site. T...v <br />hydrd~ts ;sre inplac~ from these ;naif15 for" fi!"e arotectioo, ,~water <br />service cOlinectior. wil1 bE- made to the I),)i" 011 County :{odd C. <br /> <br />o,n 8-io::11 di,,;;leter sanitJry se~-er is 'jn pldce ,:10':; :::C'inty ~odd C, <br />Ti1is utility c~!"rently p"clvides sel'Yer sO!vice to the e:dstin9 <br />oui1 di!1g. Servi ce for tl'e ~..:W DUn 1i ng Pi; 1i alsa be pra'ii ded tJy thi s <br />faci1 i ty. <br /> <br />According to tho e;!viromne~tal review guidelines of the i'1i!lnesota <br />Envirormenta1 Qua1ity Board, th~ pr~posej project is ~XeA?t fr~~ the <br />!'equire,i)ents '-or an e~...ironr.lental assessment worksheet (E~\-l). An <br />indirect s~urce p€!~it i~ also ~ot ~equir2d. <br /> <br />The envi"':Jn;i1eiltal g:Jidelines ilave heen set up SU(;h that the size of <br />the project, tl1e type of the prOj:.lUSe,j 15no use, iind the i)c;iJhti{lf1 of <br />th~ Citj in whict'l the project is bcated are the dete~ini!"lg f"ctors <br />in ioentifying whetner or not an EA~ is required. ihe City of <br />Rose~ilie haS d ~opulatiQn of appoxima~ely 35,000, 3nct therefore, is <br />referred to as d second class city in the environli1ental guidelines. <br />The proposed C()1!hllt:r,-;,,~ :J;'vj2;;~ ;~ 1~~~. ':":'" "",!\on "-OlJilrf> feet and <br />is not lcoated in a ~d'ter-rela\.<"J land use :;Janagem~"t .1i<;tf"ict, <br />T~erefore. for thes.e ccnditior.s an E~Y. is ~Gt required, <br /> <br />Also, the project is exempt frO,1 the '-riteri.'l for reQuirlng ao <br />indir~ct source pe~mit, sinc~ it h3S less than 1,COQ parkir.g spaces <br />(~innesotd St~te Std!ut~~. C~:ptp.r 110'. <br /> <br />.1 <br /> <br />