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<br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />Manual. To de~ermine the p.~. peak ~our, a trip generation study <br />of a local car dealership was litilized. P.:-1. peak hour trip <br />generation Ior the Saturn Auto~Gbile Dealersh~p is expected to be <br />approximately 72 vehicles. Of t~ese, 32 vehicles can be expected <br />to enter the site during the p.m. peak hour, whil~ approximately <br />40 yehicles will exit the site. <br /> <br />Based cn traffic distribution ~ithin th0 area, and ~he proximity <br />CJf the entr3f1ceiexit ramps of 1-35101, p.m. peak hour driveway <br />volumes have been estimatea, and are shawn on Fig'-lre 3. <br /> <br />PRO~ECT DRIVEWAYS <br />?wo of the proposed driveways into the project are located along <br />County Road C. The westerly driveway i~ 330 feet from Long Lake <br />Road, while ~he easterly driveway is 610 feet from Long Lake <br />Road. Both are ri~ht-in/righ"'::-out onl)-" , due to the raised median <br />along County Road C, and easily meet County standards in te~s of <br />their distance from Long Lake Road and the distance between the <br />t-w-o accesses, The w.;!sterly ac-r:ess is closest t.o the service <br />entrance of the building, and i.s expected to handle larger <br />vo1umes of traffic. Therefore, this driveway is 32 feet in width <br />with 30 foct curb radii. The easterly driveway is 30 feet wide <br />with 20 foot curb radii. <br /> <br />The full access off of Long Lake Road is located approxImately <br />175 feet south of County Road C. A driveway currently exlsts at <br />this locat.i::m. The proposed access is a total of 45 feet in <br />wi.dth consisting of an ingress lane of 16 feet in \vidth, a 12 <br />foot raised landscaped median, a~d an outbound lane of 1S feet i <br />wi.dl:h. Immediately north :;)f the drive,.ay. Long Lake Road widens <br />to p~ovide a oarthboand r.ight turn lane which is contr011ed by a <br />yield sign. At build-out of the surroundin9 area. it is possible <br />for the p.m. peak hour northbound right turn movement to reach a <br />volume of 500-600 vehicles. according to the traffic study fer <br />the W~ster;1 TIF District.. :f this ocC'urs~ jt is 1~kp.l'~t tnat t~E- <br />vehicles making a northbound right turn \,:11 stack beYQnd the <br /> <br />