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<br />N ;:R...PJ..Tr,7E <br /> <br />. 5 i\"EST <br /> <br /> <br />,,~-...~. - <br />.~r!.'y.i....;,..*-J <br /> <br />L~:" <br /> <br />?E~~IT ~F?LICATIC~ <br /> <br />BecaUSB :;If t.,'O.,e req'.li::-e:::e:~t5 by a ~m:::ber of busi..:'\esses ir. tje <br />Roseville a;,ea fer bigh technology co~~~~icaticns; a fiber <br />optics f,cility is r.eeded L~ere. It ~~st be iccated as clcse <br />as pcssible ~o i:s aCC€S5 PQi~tt 2 c3Dle ~ault in clev~}a~d <br />Ave~ue about 175 feet 5c~th of the Burli~~tor. Nc~thern <br />lntersectio~ with Clevel~~d. <br /> <br />we have i~entified a pi~ce of p~cperty wit~ ~c b~ilding5 <br />i~~diately sou~~ of the C~li~ty Road C sereice R~~Ct b~t<<ee;, <br />Cleveland and the I 35 W RO~t which will be ~~ll suite6 to <br />our nee5s. ~*o ether p~rceisr frrnting on 300 fe~t of <br />Clevelan: ~ere pr~viouslY take~ fr~~ the pr~perty leavi;:g a <br />roughed nu' shaped re:.ainder. <br /> <br />'ir..e e:lst } 45 feet of tr,e ;:cr~h 5:d~ d the "a" is large <br />encugt to pe~it the re~J:red ~O! X ~O' building incl~ding <br />~~e pr~per settacks a~d pa:ki~g. ~s th~ T~le~t~r.e co~pany <br />has roC i.eed for the re~ai~i~~ po~i~n of the pro~e~~v, we <br />propose to dispos~ cf it to the adj~ining property ow~ers. <br /> <br /> <br />We have entered i;.to a purch~se agree~ent conting~nt ~por. <br />apprcval to build _i~h tte Owner. J?K Park Co~pany. We <br />p~~pose ~o t~~l~ ~ 201 x 30' trick tuilding _hi,~ will ho~se <br />electrJr.ic ~~~~unic3tions e~~ipllie~~ and in ~hich fiber optic <br />cabl~s ~ill be te~i~~t~d. No persQunsl ~ill ce locat2d <br />there, but will visit ths b~ilding only t~ ~ake adjust~ents <br />and con~ectior.s. Cvn$eq~ently one parking SpdC~ fa~ <br />installaticn v~ns should :~ c~mplet~lY ade~~ate, ~at~~ <br />connection for h~~icificaticn will be ~eed~d ~ut ~e~er <br />conMc.:ions ~ill t,e ur.i1eCes5ary, .,s the bl.lilding ..ill not be: <br />heated or air ~o~ditio~ec, no roof top units ~ill b~ used, <br />nor ~ill ptcvisi0ns fer ~rash be needed. <br /> <br />The ext=e",~ ,,;:)!'th pa!'t 0: :he P!OFc:':~', i:-.clyci!\g the por:.:>:;. <br />tc be retai:.ed. drains t~.a~d the Se~ice ~old. 7~i~ .i11 <br />not c~3~ge as ~he r~s~l~ ~f b~ildi~; ~r pa=ki~g-d~iveway <br />~or.struct~cn. T~e rest of ~he ~rc?e~:y t:1i1S t~ tt~ east. <br /> <br />Tee t~ee5 shc~n C~ t~e s;te plan ~i~: ce s~:~ci d~ ~~~~wA~. <br />Spruce - 6 to ~ f~~t <br /> <br />?S~ <br /> <br />.., 1;";: <br /> <br />..... .-.., <br />~i ~.....~.. <br />