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<br />CRA...~GE NOTICE <br /> <br /> <br />PLELTe HEARING NOTICE <br /> <br />TO W'HO~ IT K.; Y CONCERN: <br /> <br />Notic~ i:. hereby giv('TI that the city council of ~he City of <br />Rcs~vi~le ...ill meet at Roseville City Hall, 266::- Ci'jic Center <br />Drive, on Thursday, December 7: 1989 at 7:30 p.Ii:., for the <br />purpose of considering the following req~est: <br /> <br />u.s. West reqL~st for a special ~se permit for a public utility <br />builcEnq at 2595 Cleveland Avenue North. Tt,,J appHcant 'liShe:S to <br />constr~ct a 20 foot by 30 foot o~e st~ry tr'ck building to house <br />electronic (':c;;;.gur:.1caticns equipment in which fiber- optic c:ables <br />will b~ terminateu, <br /> <br />LEGAL DES~RIPTION: <br /> <br />That part of the Northeast i!~ of the No:theast 1/4, section 8, <br />To"nship 2B. Range: 23, lying South of the Northe:r!'l Pacific <br />Railway rlght-of-~ay, and East of Highway 135-W, except: <br /> <br />All L~at part of Section 8, TOv~stip 28, Range 23, described as <br />follows: Be;inning at a point on the East line of said Narthe3st <br />1/4 of said Sectio~ 5, distant SOB.l f~et So~th of the Northeast <br />corner thereof, thence running West at ~ight angl~s to $aid East <br />line, 192 thence South at right angles, HID feet; t.i.ence <br />East at rigbt angles 192 feet to sai~ east lin~; thence North on <br />said E~st line 180 feet to point of begi?\ning; and ~~cept, aU <br />that part of Section 8. TOilnship 29 I Range 23 I de~c1:' i~ed as <br />fQ~lo",,'s: Beginninq. at a p~il~t em the East line cf the 'Nvrtheast <br />li4 of said SectiQn S, distant 3S7.1 feet SOUL~ af the Northeast <br />cornet thereof; thence r~nning West 3t right angles to s~id East <br />l~ne 180 feet; thence South at right angles 121 feet: thence ~a5t <br />at right angles, 180 fe~t to said East line, the~ce North to th~ <br />point of begi~ning, <br /> <br />~. .&.. -- """",, . , <br />~~'~ <br />st~V€ Sa~kDZY) ~ <br />City M.'.!na~H <br />