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<br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />13. For ~ cnlv: <br /> <br />A. If pl'q)erty to be :rezooed is zcned in tw:: or I!Dre zcnin;J <br />classificaticns, set fo.'"th ~'1e legal description of sach rod1 separate <br />zarinq dassificatioo.. <br /> <br />B. If }d~ rewni.~ .r...ll rezc:ne the ptq)e.rt'i into b.\,"; or :more sepa...'<lte <br />zari.n; c1assificatiCl1S, set forth tl1e legal des.::rip+-..ioo of each sa:n <br />sepaYate zcnin;J c1assificatioo. <br /> <br />14. Fer ~~al Use OO,,}.: <br /> <br />A. City C:JdP. Secticn authorizinJ ~j"l use penri.ts: <br /> <br />15. For Vacatioo of RiQbt'"'<'f-way onlv: <br /> <br />A. A petiticn mst be signed hy at least 51\ of t.~ ab1tt.inJ <br />tA~ owners. ']he original stat8lent i., the ryzt..1.tiat sOOuld be as <br />foUC1rlS~ "We, the u:'Idersigned, owners of at least 51 ffift".i-a-..e pert:ent} <br />of the prq1erty a1::ut:tiIg .I.~ 'UeSt. that this <br />sactioo of right-ol-w:l.Y be vacate1 because it is no 1::.rge: :'~ "-al1..~ 't-. the <br />gene.."'al public. <br /> <br />All prq:Iert"i 0i0I0eI'S signinJ the petition shall list their address and <br />legal descriptia"l ~f their pI'qJe..'ty. <br /> <br />16. For Plattirx: QUv: <br /> <br />A. NUI;ber of I.:Jts: <br /> <br />B. sutdivisioo to be ic:-toIo.T1 as: <br /> <br />c. ER;Jineer: <br /> <br />Name <br /> <br />Fhone <br /> <br />D. LarD ?la.-mer: Name <br /> <br />FOOne <br /> <br />17. For Divisioo of Pl-.tted I.Dt Onlv: <br /> <br />A. ~t:E: 'eyc..j, ~~i~ fr-.'r each newly C!eated lot. s.~l be provided. <br /> <br />18. ~ Relccation of ~1i."1q Onlv: <br /> <br />A. 'lbe le;Jal de:scriptico shall be vi the la.1'rl \JPOO ..rod1 t~ ttrildi.-g is to <br />be Ja::M:!d. <br /> <br />n. 'lhe ~icaticn s.~l be aa::a:paniEd by a ~'ritten"t am ~;)\o<ti of <br />at l~c:t 50\ of the property a.-ners 'Wit.'un 250 feet of t.~ relocation. <br /> <br />19. For VariaJ'la! ~l',,: <br /> <br />A. Va..-iaoce is req.JeSted fl"'OOl t.i'}e tollo.'ing ~icn cf the City Co:Je: <br />f. ~,~~.::-€ 1<. 7 <" <br /> <br />---- <br /> <br />